Retire Happy Knowing You Planned

Scott and I have always been careful with our spending. Whether out of necessity or by nature, it’s just the way we live our lives. Yes, we have some cool things, eat out and enjoy movies but we pick and choose our battles. We shop carefully and live within our means. I don’t think I have ever shared the story about how I arrived at owning a Porsche Boxster. It’s a sad story with a bittersweet ending but totally worth sharing.
For years we lived our frugal lifestyle, seldom traveling other than work. Purchasing upgrades to things like cars and computers only when we couldn’t buy any more life out of the prior one. We worked hard. Very hard. Earned a decent wage and ran a successful business. Yet we saved our money because we knew we would need it when we had children. Unfortunately, after several years of unsuccessfully trying to have a child, that was looking very dismal.
In another corner of the country lived my in-laws. They worked hard, sacrificed as they saw fit and saved up for their retirement. Their plan was to enjoy their golden years without needing to worry about how much they had socked away for retirement. Things didn’t go as planned there either. My father-in-law passed away unexpectedly… and much too young. As we spent time filling out life insurance paperwork, reassigning beneficiary information and co-signers on accounts, we commented to my mother-in-law that her finances were in order and she didn’t have to worry about that. I remember the tears in her eyes and the heartache in her voice as she proclaimed it didn’t matter since she had nobody to enjoy it with. With complete conviction, she told us that we needed to find happiness in what we want and not save up for something that may never happen. In other words, don’t save up for a baby that may never arrive. A few months later, Scott purchased the Boxster for me. It’s one of the few things that we’ve ever splurged on.
We have a unique situation in that we have already left the traditional workforce. We still have options and are young enough to re-enter if we choose but like many people, we wonder what life will be like when we reach the age of retirement. Have we planned well enough? Things became very clear as I watched “Don’t Worry, Retire Happy™“, a public television special about retirement security presented by Tom Hegna.
If you are picturing one of those “seminars” often held at a local hotel, rest assured this video is nothing like that. First of all, Tom Hegna is enjoyable to watch and listen to. He is dynamic and frankly, he reminds me a bit of Guy Fieri. Second, the video isn’t a sales pitch nor is it a pointed discussion about why you should do one thing or another.
The presentation is filled with a very general ideas and concepts that you simply may not have thought of before. It shares history on pension plans and 401Ks, ideas on determining your spending habits as well as breaking down your retirement into cycles. As an example, you may want to be a globetrotter in your retirement but for how long? When you first retire, yes. Later… probably not. All those things factor into the equation of how you can retire happy and Tom Hegna does a great job of presenting these concepts.
Most Americans have the time, financial resources and courage to retire happy but they just don’t know how to get there. The 7 steps in Don’t Worry, Retire Happy™ outlines it in easy to understand language. In addition to the video there is also the book: Don’t Worry, Retire Happy™ Seven Steps to Retirement Security. These tools provide the information and strategies needed to move forward with your retirement income planning. A plan for a time that is spent the way we want to spend it – being happy.
Whether you want to take a cruise, travel the world, visit Walt Disney World or simply plan to hit the golf course, you need to do it without worry and anxiety. This video and book can help you feel confident and comfortable.
You can catch the Don’t Worry, Retire Happy™ TV special on your local Public Television station or you can order the Don’t Worry, Retire Happy™ DVD and book online. You can also visit Don’t Worry, Retire Happy™ social channels for more information, tips and inspirational thoughts. You can find them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. You can also connect with State Farm, a sponsor of the video by following them on Twitter or Facebook. As a reminder, public television programming isn’t possible without the support of donors, so if you see the fundraising request while watching something, keep that in mind.