My Style: Do I Need a Makeover?

As many of you know, I’ve been on a quest to lose weight and be healthier. It’s something that DH and I are tackling together, as a team, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Yesterday, I logged onto MyFitnessPal to see the following announcement. “SahmReviews has logged in for 340 days in a row.” Kudos to me. Kudos to us.
I’m not one to boast about myself. It’s just not like me to do that. I certainly don’t put myself in FRONT of the camera much. It’s not just my style. However, I’m really proud of how things have gone with our change in eating and refocus on exercise. I’ve finally started sharing information about my health, weight and goals publicly. As in… on Facebook. For everyone I know to see. At first, I was unsure about whether I wanted to share it there but I went out on a limb and did it. And the reward was amazing. Support from more people than have ever commented on anything I’ve ever posted. I think even more than wished me Happy Birthday on Facebook! One high school friend said she was even inspired by my photo.
People ask me about our diet. I have to explain that we aren’t ON a diet. A diet would imply there is an end. We’re not dieting, we’re changing our eating habits. Yes, we still have Maggie Moo’s and McDonald’s and all the other stuff we love. But we have it in moderation and we make sure we have fish and veggies for dinner on days we junk at lunch.
I’m not quite to my goal but I’m getting there. The downside of losing weight is that an entire wardrobe is, well, useless. DH has like 10 large Rubbermaid totes of clothes that don’t fit. I’ve been pulling my closet apart in pieces and putting it in boxes for a (yet-to-be-scheduled) yard sale. The packrat in me doesn’t want to get rid of all those expensive clothes because I’m afraid I’ll need them again.
In the meantime, I’m making due. While I love walking through the mall and ooh’ing and aah’ing at all the beautiful fashions, I cannot bring myself to pull the trigger and buy. I want to get to my goal weight before splurging. So for now, I’m getting hand-me-downs from friends and shopping at thrift shops like Good Will and Salvation Army. I don’t think I have a style-problem as much as I have a cheapness problem.
Okay, fine. My style DOES need some help. I still lean toward clothes that are baggier and really wish I had the confidence to show off my new figure. It’s not perfect, but it does look better than it did. I buy what is the least expensive because I know when I lose a little more weight, it won’t fit and I’ll have to get something else. You get what you pay for really shows sometimes. I know. Hold the lectures, k?
As the BlogHer conference quickly approaches, I cannot help but throw my name into the hat for a total dream makeover (as they say) “of a lifetime” from Windows. That would be such an amazing experience to be announced on the expo floor as a winner. If I were to envision a totally made-over me, it would include classy clothes for everyday wear. I don’t work outside the home but we do go out and about a lot. What you see me wearing in the picture is pretty much my standard style. A total makeover would also have to include stylish clothes for the gym. Yes, a made-over me would have stylish clothes at the gym. You know, like everyone else there. My M.O. at the gym: Three layers. a sports bra, a sports tank (like the one in the top picture) and a regular short sleeve workout shirt. Oh yeah, fitted shorts and baggy shorts for confidence when we’re doing crunches or crab crawls or something on the ground. While on vacation, DH actually got me to jog wearing less than 3 layers. He said all the extra layers aren’t necessary. I agreed to it ONLY because I knew that nobody knew me there AND my limit of comfort was about 2 minutes before I insisted on reapplying layers. Maybe having a celebrity stylist outfit me would help convince me…
Of course, no makeover is complete without a new hairdo (preferably colored to NOT grey) and repaired so it isn’t all frizzy and damaged. As for the makeup, I’m all about a natural and simple look. Maybe a makeover would be more dramatic. Who knows.
Whether I’m selected by Windows to have a total celebrity makeover or not, I’m still excited about the changes I’ve made and will continue to work toward my goals of a healthier weight and better overall nutrition.
And while I’m walking the BlogHer expo floor and at the sessions, I’ll be me. Smiling and happy… even if I am out of style!
Great post! Congrats on the life changes!
I am definitely inspired! I have been working on losing weight since March and I am half way to my 40lb weight loss goal. I definitely feel healthier, but I feel like I have hit a wall and can’t get past it. All of my weightloss has been through intentionally making healthier choices, however I haven’t been able to fit exercise into my routine as of yet. Any suggestions of things I can do at home?