Lest We Forget the Meaning of Memorial Day

Last year at this time I was lamenting how busy our schedule is at this time of year. In the same breath, I was commenting on how much I appreciate some of the unique opportunities the girls have. Each year, the freshmen band participates in a Memorial Day service. They perform several songs including the anthems of all the branches of the military. It’s a heartwarming experience and I’m sad that this year’s freshmen won’t get to experience it.
With all the chaos brought about by this global pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge the front line workers and first responders, but please remember the meaning of Memorial Day in the first place. It’s a time where we reflect and recognize the members of our military who made the ultimate sacrifice for this amazing country. There won’t be parades or celebrations this year so display your flag today and be appreciative of the men and women who lost their lives defending our rights and freedom.
Wishing all our readers a safe Memorial Day.