Thrift Treasure: Toss Your Cookies Game

Last week I showed off a copy of Wok ‘n Roll we found at our Goodwill. It was a particularly good day for us as we found four games in total that were complete and weren’t in our collection. This week we’ve been playing the second title we purchased on that trip – Toss Your Cookies by Gamewright!
Toss Your Cookies is an interesting card game for three to eight players and recommended for ages 8+. As you’ll see, this game could easily be enjoyed by younger players as long as someone was around to explain the rules. The object is pretty simple – be the first player to collect five matching cookie cards plus the milk card!
The Toss Your Cookies box contains 48 cookie cards (six each of eight different cookie types), 4 half-eaten cookie cards, 3 wild cards, a milk card and 2 custom dice. Prepare the deck by choosing a complete set of cookie cards for each player and mixing them together with the milk card and a combination of half-eaten cookie cards and wild cards, depending upon the number of players. If playing with less than eight players, the rest of the cards will not be used and may be returned to the box.
All of the cards are set face-down in the center of the play area with each person randomly drawing seven cards to form their hand. The start player, the last to eat a cookie, rolls both dice and takes an action determined by the results. One die denotes the action while the other is the quantity affected.
For instance, if you roll the double-arrow symbol and a two, this means you will swap two cards from your hand by choosing any two and setting them in front of any other player. Then you will choose two cards from their hand, without looking, and add them to your hand. That player then adds your two cards to their own hand.
If you roll an arrow with an “L” or an “R”, this means all players must pass the number of cards shown on the number die to the person on their left or right, respectively. The “Toss” notation on the action dice is a little more hectic. When this is rolled, all players will physically toss the number of cards shown on the other die into the center of the play area and then scramble to grab the same number of cards back into their hands. Everyone should still have seven cards in their hand, and in fact at all times will have seven. If you have fewer, then you get to choose a card from the player(s) that have more than seven by looking at their hand and taking what you need!
There is also a Milk icon on the number die, and when rolled causes a special action matching the result on the action die. Whomever has the milk card must pass it to the person on their left or right, swap it with another player or toss it into the center for someone else to grab. Whomever grabs the card must then let the person who previously owned it blindly choose a card from their hand.
As soon as any player has all five of the same cookie, either naturally or including wild cards, and the milk card, they win the game by shouting out “Snickerdoodle!”. Expect a game of Toss Your Cookies to last around 10-15 minutes. This is a perfect length for tournament play where the first to win X number of games is the overall winner!
While you can find Toss Your Cookies on Amazon, it is only sold by 3rd party sellers and therefore marked up quite a bit. Your best bet is a lightly-used copy on eBay, where you shouldn’t have to pay more than $20. Of course, you can do like we did and wait for a copy to show up at thrift for a couple bucks! Since the game requires tossing cards, make sure the game is complete before purchasing!
Which cookie type would you choose to collect?