Mega Giveaway Day 44 – Einstein Game

We’re finally catching up on shows on the DVR and I’m thoroughly enjoying watching Timeless. While it makes me realize I don’t know as much as I should about history, it is also inspiring me to want to learn more. However, I have to attribute board games to being the original catalyst for my interest. There are a variety of games that are historically accurate and others that use a general theme or incorporate famous people. Our Day 44 Mega Giveaway prize is Einstein by Artana Games. We previously told you about their Tesla vs. Edison game and this year’s holiday gift guides include two additional offerings from them. You can find Einstein in our guide to STEM gifts and Tesla vs. Edision: Duel on our list of 2-player games. Enter our giveaway for a chance to win Einstein, a game that can inspire an interest in history!
Find a solid source of renewable energy.
Time travel!
I would like to solve the cure for cancer.
A way around my own theory of relativity
how to reliably achieve absolute zero so we can have more efficient energy transformers
Climate Change
FTL Travel would be fun to have an answer to.
the common cold needs a cure
Time travel
Teleportation or traveling at the speed of light safely
I don’t know if Einstein had much of a medical background, or else I’d say curing some disease. However, given his understanding of Physics, I would have to go with Interstellar Travel, Time Travel, or both.
The meaning of life of course. (To find out if it really is 42)
curing cancer
Depression and the theory of time.
Universal cure for cancer
I really don’t know what I would solve. I can’t think like him, and I’m not that great with numbers. But, I would love to solve the budget crisis!
I would solve the problem of reaching world peace, love and understanding among human beings, of course 😉
What DID come first, the chicken on the egg?!?
If I were einstein the theory that I would like to solve is the complete facts about the big bang theory. There are far to many theories related to this issue. Some things make a little sense while others seem pretty far fetched. It boggles my mind!
A cure for Chronic Lyme.
I’d show those Flat Earthers that the Earth is round!
Why there wasn’t Season 2 of Firefly. *Honorable Mention* If aliens are real.
How to cure addiction. Or what causes creativity.
Space Travel faster then light.
If I were Einstein, I would figure out why no one else in my house can put clothes inside their hampers. They only put them NEAR the hamper.
How to get the straw into a Capri sun without making a mess.
stop the aging process
Curing cancer.
Hunger solutions would be my 1st choice
Dark matter
I love the solve the mysteries of the Big Bang.
If I were Einstein, I would solve the mystery of faster than light travel.
Quantum computing
time travel
The ability to Time travel.
what to make for dinner
Learn how to perfect a fusion reactor, thereby helping to eliminate a lot of anthropological climate change.
If I were Einstein I would like to solve Global Warming.