Got Myself Some NICE Jewelry!

And yes! It’s very nice! Even before I opened the package I knew I would love it. No, I will never look like the girl on the cover of the NICE catalogue, but the jewelry sure makes you feel good. That’s why I enjoy jewelry so much. Because no matter what you wear, jewelry always seems to make the outfit better. It adds that final touch. So if I’m unsure of what to wear for girl’s night out or what is appropriate for the company party, or when volunteering at my daughter’s pre-school class, there’s always a piece of jewelry that’s appropriate for the night or day.
I had never heard of NICE jewelry before and was very pleased while I looked through the catalogue. It is costume jewelry at a good price. Page after page of pretty colored crystal stones, pearls, beads, leather pieces, and jewelry covered in 18K gold or rhodium captured my eyes! NICE also offers sunglasses for men and women, pocket watches, watches for men and women, perfume, anti-aging treatment for women, a tea line called Matcha Green Tea, belts, and even a ‘IQ Shield Chip’ to prevent damage from electromagnetic radiation due to cell phone, computer, and other electronic device usage. NICE offers a wonderful kid’s jewelry line that includes small studded earrings, pendants, and bracelets also coated 4 times over with 18K gold or rhodium. There are so many products to choose from.
As I browsed through the catalogue I was thinking to myself that I didn’t want anything too fancy because it’s rare the occasion I dress up. The only time I dress up, being a SAHM (stay at home mom), is for girls night out. So I looked for something along those lines. I had a hard time choosing. There were so many nice pieces that you could wear for a dressier occasion or for when you are just wearing jeans. The variety was gratifying.
I had it narrowed down to a pair of pretty gold dangly earrings on page 20 of the catalogue that I downloaded. There was a beautiful necklace to go with it. I took a snapshot of it for you to see. I also loved the other filigree dangly gold earrings on page 20. The beautiful gold bangle bracelet on page 24, the big silver heart earrings on page 34 (I’ve been wanting some like these), the beautiful turquoise and gold chandelier earrings on page 53, the big gold hoops on page 74 (and the ring to go with it), and the gold bracelet on page 101. Phew! That’s a lot isn’t it? So, as you can tell, NICE jewelry is really my style. A few pieces stood out to me. Right on page 10, the elegant crystal and gold bracelet with matching earrings and necklace made an impression on me. That is something I would wear, but since I would never get much use out of it, I just marveled at it. I loved the black rhinestone and gold necklace with earrings on page 55, and the black rhinestone and gold filigree earrings on page 72. I captured screenshots of all of these pieces but realized it was way too much for one blog post! Who said diamonds were a girl’s best friend?
Since I have a really small body frame…well let’s just say scrawny skinny wrists and small long fingers, I couldn’t go for all those pretty bracelets. I always go for the earrings or necklaces (if they are not too big). So I chose the silver heart earrings on page 34 and the filigree gold earrings on page 20. They appealed to me the most since I know I wouldn’t have to deal with a sizing issue. It’s very hard for me to find bracelets or bangles that fit me since I am so small. This is something that I would have liked to see more of in the catalogue instead of “one size only” type thing. This is true for most everywhere I shop for jewelry though.
The prices were very fair and competitive. I’ve bought jewelry from Lia Sophia and Silpada. I think NICE jewelry falls into that same line of jewelry with Lia Sophia. Silpada is more expensive. The quality of NICE jewelry is excellent. It is sturdy, heavy, true to size as shown in the catalogue, original, and fun. It was very easy to find what I wanted.
I wore the heart earrings on GNO (girls night out) and I also wore them, believe it or not, to the dentist! Why not? I am no fashionista. I don’t consider myself having “style” but I like trying to have it. It was fun wearing my new jewelry. I love a piece of jewelry that you can wear on a night out on the town or while you are doing errands.
My mother in law visited us from California for about a week and helped out with babysitting my kids so my husband and I could go out to a company function. She also cooked and kept my little Miss A busy while I could do some chores around the house. It’s not too often that I get help like this. When she comes, it helps me tremendously, as with all visits. She’s always so helpful. I don’t know how many people can say how much they appreciate their mother in laws. As a token of my appreciation, and as that special woman in my life, I wanted to give her something special. While she was here, I asked her to pick something out from the NICE catalogue. She chose the pink pearl and leather bracelet on page 59. She thought it would be fun to own something like this.
Since we didn’t get the jewelry before she left, my daughter and I put together a care package for her including the bracelet, some chocolates (which we know she loves), and a valentines collage. We can’t wait for her to open it and show us pictures of her wearing it.
I am going to add NICE as one of my favorite places to buy jewelry. This could get addicting! On a side note, do not attempt to wear this or any large style of jewelry while holding a baby. He or she will yank it! Luckily, the posts on NICE jewelry are so sturdy that they don’t fall off. More than likely, your babe will pull your ear off along with your earrings!
My mother in law received the bracelet late last night after completing this post.
looks very cute