Thrift Treasure: Qwixx Roll-n-Write Game

You might recall in April 2020 we introduced everyone to Qwixx – The Card Game. In that overview, it was mentioned how one of our favorite games to play at Geekway to the West is the original Qwixx. Not to be confused with the previously mentioned spinoff, this is the original roll-n-write dice game the card game was based upon. For those of you new to the term, it means a game where you roll dice and write down the results (think Yahtzee).
At that time, we also mentioned how we didn’t have a copy of Qwixx in our collection. That has officially changed this week when we found a barely used copy at our Goodwill. The game play is remarkably similar, if not a little more random.

Set up by giving each player a pencil and a score sheet (which are the same as the card game). A pool of dice is set in the center of the play area and a starting player is chosen. The object of Qwixx is to fill up as much of your score sheet as you can before the game comes to a sudden end.

The active player rolls all six dice. The two white dice are summed up and the total announced. All players may, but are not required to, cross of that number in any of the four colors on their sheet. You do not have to start with the numbers all the way on the left, but once you cross one out, you can only cross out additional numbers to the right of it.

If you want to cross out the last number in a row, you must have already exhausted at least five other numbers in the same row. When you do, also mark off the lock symbol directly to its right. This signifies that color is now locked and no players may cross off any numbers in that color row. The matching color die is removed from the game.

After everyone has decided whether to use the total of the two white dice, the active players only may then add one of the white dice to any of the four colored dice and cross out the number corresponding to this sum. If, after both actions have been completed, the active player doesn’t cross out at least one number, they must cross out one of the penalty boxes. The person to the left in clockwise order becomes the next active player and another round occurs in the same manner.

Once a player has marked off all four of their penalty boxes, or two dice have been removed from the game by those rows being locked, a game of Qwixx ends immediately. A table on the score sheet helps tally the points earned in each row, determined by how many numbers you X’ed out. Add up all four row scores and subtract five points for each penalty received, and the person with the highest final total wins Qwixx.
This inexpensive dice game is available on Amazon and is regularly a part of their “Buy 2 Get One” promotion. You’ll also find it at your favorite local game store and other major retailers. The success of Qwixx probably means it won’t go out of print any time soon, so no need to wait to find it at thrift like we did!
What game are you hoping shows up at your thrift store?
Ideally, Star Wars: Epic Duels. I can dream….
I’d like to try this
Seems fun, but like it would take a long time to play.
This looks like a fun game.
I want to play this game. My mother told me the other day that she mysteriously received it in the mail and doesn’t know who sent it to her.
Oooh. I want a game fairy who mysteriously sends games to me! How do I sign up for that? 😉
On a serious note – did she figure out who sent it to her?
I would like to find Survive at a Thrift store.