Mega Giveaway Day 26 – PeltaPeeps For Two Game

You’ll see our Day 26 prize in a gift guide later this week, but we’re giving you a peep at it early right here! Wonder what it is? Of course you do! it’s PeltaPeeps for Two, a 2-person take on Pelta Games‘ Pelta Peeps game. (That’s an mouthful isn’t it?!) The story behind the company is pretty interesting, too. Among other businesses, they previously owned a glass studio. That art is the inspiration behind their line of games. These aren’t your average mass market game though with each being custom made at their facility in Florida. Use the form to enter to win PeltaPeeps for Two in our 150+ Days of Giveaways. REALLY want it? Come back each day for additional chances to enter to win or guarantee yourself a copy by ordering one!
Yes! Beautiful artwork and colors make me want to play a game more. Boring bland cards just don’t cut it anymore!
Yeah, more than I’m consciously aware of I bet. Even something as simple as having a board or tokens can make me want to play a game over a card game, even though while we are playing card only games i have just as much fun.
Nah, I have bad taste so it doesn’t matter.
Yes, I think if a game is visually pleasing or interesting, it appeals to me more.
In some ways, yes, the design on the game box and pieces do enhance the game playing experience. It makes the game unique and memorable.
For a game I like, not really. For a borderline game it can help.
yes, I love a pretty game
The theme and aesthetics definitely do help in th e decision but the main factor is the game play.
Yes. if a game looks good, it does make it more inviting to play.
Yes if it looks bright and colorful you want to play it.
Yes, games like Inis are gorgeous and that added to, but was not the sole reason for, wanting to make a purchase.
aesthetics can certainly play a part especially when choosing to purchase a game or try one for the first time.
Yes a game’s aesthetics impact my interest in wanting to play it
The aesthetics can certainly make me look closer at a game and read the box or the directions.
Definitely! I might pass over a good game because it just doesn’t draw me in visually. But the same token, I’ve purchased games that first caught my eye for their beauty (Kanban, Yedo) which then caused me to see what the game play was like.
Yes, aesthetics give me that initial interest boost.
Of course it does! Great aesthetics are always something to look at and feel grater immersion in game.
Yes, aesthetics really helps me. If it’s not eye catching one my just pass.
Yes! The circular arcs and the color combinations are both attractive to me.
Yes, interesting aesthetics are visually exciting and make me want to explore a game further.
It’s not viral to have fun- but it always easier to an enjoy a game if it is visually appealing
just like a book, never judge the book by it’s cover, the same with a game!
Yes, very Much!
Aesthetics are definitely an important factor, but not the only factor.
Yes, especially with little kids, they are not yet into real abstract games. Table appeal helps and at this state in the hobby it is expected. I like it since it also helps draw in new players.
Yes it is part of the appeal that completes your assessment of any game.
Aesthetics are often what initially capture my attention when checking out a game; however, a game with solid strategy, a creative premise, and replay value are qualities that keep me coming back to a game. Aesthetics at that point are just a nice bonus.
Yes. Artwork will initially attract me to a game, mechanics will keep me there.
very much so
Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t.
A games aesthetics do impact the overall attractiveness of the game. If for example the game was black and grey the visual feedback in my mind is that the game will be dark and gloomy. But if the game is full of color this would attract my senses. On top of all of this it the bright game would provide extra vitamin E for happiness!
of course! pop out color to enhance the fun of the game! Great for the eyes.
Yes, it does! It makes me more curious about the game.
Absolutely! Box art helps attract new players, board and cards and character play mats and things keep you engaged. 🙂
ugly, dark colors can have a big negative effect, so brighter colors are a definite aesthetic plus