Philanthropic Friday: Inspired By Peanuts

Next week while attending Blogger Bash in New York, I’ll have the opportunity to learn about the upcoming Peanuts movie during one of the event’s luncheons. I’m sure you can relate when I say that Charlie Brown, his amazing pet dog, Snoopy, and the rest of the Peanuts gang provide a basis for many fabulous memories from my childhood. I remember the excitement as each Sunday newspaper showed up, reading the daily comics, catching one of the TV specials and even purchasing a book or two featuring many of the comic strips. The upcoming release of the Peanuts movie has me excited to see what the gang is up to these days while simultaneously nostalgic about my childhood.
As I was pondering which subject to feature next in our Philanthropic Friday series, I decided to put together a list of charities I think of based on the personalities or common story-lines and characteristics of the individual Peanuts characters.
Charlie Brown – Some people may look at Charlie Brown and think of his classic zigzag shirt. Others may immediately relate to his social awkwardness. For me, the first thing that comes to mind is his inability to kick a football. During a recent trip to a playground build with Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, I had the opportunity to see Good Sports in action. What an amazing organization providing sporting goods to kids in need.
Snoopy – I would be remiss if I didn’t point out the obvious. Snoopy is a dog. A pretty spectacular, talented dog, but a dog nonetheless. He has a good home and is treated well. He can also take care of himself. Not all dogs can. If your heart breaks at the thought of animals struggling to find a home or take care of themselves, support your local humane society or donate to the ASPCA.
Woodstock – That little bird is just adorable. Now that we own a parakeet, I have more appreciation for small birds and enjoy listening to them sing. What better representation of a charity than ones designed to rescue birds? Check out International Bird Rescue or find a bird that needs a new home!
Lucy – If she isn’t yanking a football from Charlie Brown, she’s sitting behind a stand offering pysciatric help. A charity relating to mental health is exactly what comes to mind when I think of Lucy. I’m not familiar with these charities, but they were recommended by Time after Robin Williams’ suicide. If aiding in mental health issues is your charity of choice, consider American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Brain & Behavior Research Center, Treatment Advocacy Center or Trevor Project.
Linus – He isn’t a baby nor does he have issues, but that signature security blanket he carries speaks volumes about Linus. With that in mind, I think of programs like March of Dimes and Ronald McDonald House Charities helping children who were born too soon or are having medical issues.
Sally – Isn’t she everyone’s favorite little sister? Okay, she can be a bit annoying, but isn’t that our job as younger sister? Doesn’t her character just scream Big Brothers Big Sisters of America?
Shroeder – As a kid I never appreciated Shroeder as much as I do now. I wasn’t musical. I couldn’t even play chopstix. But my girls are musically inclined and participate in the local symphony as well as school orchestra, band and choral programs. If music inspires you, support your local symphony.
Pigpen – Admit it. You can’t get past the fact that he’s dusty. Even after a bath, dirt magically appears around him. That’s why they call him Pigpen. What better organization to think of than one that allows individuals to donate pigs (and other animals). If Pigpen is your favorite character, consider a donation through World Vision.
Peppermint Patty – Some may say she is bossy, but others see it as born leadership. This reminds me of Vivienne Harr from Make a Stand. I heard her speak at Disney Social Media Moms Celebration and her belief that it only takes one person to change the world. After seeing photos of young boys with heavy stones strapped to their bodies. While slavery may have been outlawed here in the states, child labor was an issue in Nepal and that wasn’t okay with Vivienne. She committed to raising money to help liberate these children. Her attitude is filled with leadership. During her presentation she asked the simple question, “Is what you are doing uniting or dividing?” If you want to learn how one person can make a difference, learn about Made a Stand.
Marcie – Maybe it’s wrong, but when I think of Marcie, I think of how intelligent she is… then I think of her glasses. The very first charitable organization I think of is Lion’s Club and their drive to help children with vision problems. While they help with many other worthy causes, their vision programs are something easy for people to assist with. Once you no longer have a need for a pair of glasses, find a local Lion’s Club donation box.
Franklin – You may think I’m going to take the easy route and say that Franklin’s skin color is his defining characteristic. Maybe for some, it is. Maybe when I was a young child, that was what made him unique. As an adult, I see him in a different way. If you read the description about him, you’ll agree that he is a beacon of kindness. While others may find faults with Charlie Brown, Franklin never has an unkind word. He may not be making wishes come true, but he can make people feel better. The charity I associate with Franklin is Make A Wish.
Everyone has a character they are able to connect with in one way or another. Which Peanuts character is your favorite?
Wow! You really know the Peanuts characters and did a great job matching their personalities to real life people. Me, I always liked Lucy but also the piano-playing Schroeder.
Fantastic! You did a wonderful job of matching up our comic strip favorites to excellent charities.
Thank you for taking the time to put this together and for inspiring your readers!
You did an awesome job comparing the characters to real people! I used to love this show as a kid.
You’ve listed some great causes there. My hubby was a big Peanuts fan when we first met. He’s really looking forward to the movie, he loves them all.
This pairing of peanuts characters and charities is so cute! I didn’t even realize there was a movie coming out- my boys will love it!
Snoopy has always been my favorite character from Peanuts–my love of animals started when I was very young and continues to this day! I’d say it was short of genius to assign charities ro each of the Peanut’s gang–and a darn good job you did if it!
Haha before I read the post, when I first saw the picture I immediately thought of Peanuts too! Great recreation!
Thanks for sharing so many worthy causes! It’s so important to give back and make a difference!
What a cool idea for a post! And I’ve discovered a whole bunch of new charities!
What a great post and list of resources that need help. I try to donate when able and support causes that are near and dear to me.
You put a lot of thought into this post. Very cool idea.
I loved watching peanuts as a kid. I have the kids watch the seasonal shows and I love how you broke each characther down.
What a cute post- comparing charities to Peanut characters! Fun idea 🙂
First of all, LOVE the action shots of girls! Second of all, this is a fantastic way to break down such worthy causes! What a great post!
These are all great charities! I support several of them already (or similar ones). There are so many great causes out there that could use the help.
I love Peanuts, and it’s zig-zag shirt all the way. Marcie always annoyed me with her “know-it-all” attitude.
I wish I would of known about the blog bash:( I found out about the movie charlie brown when I went to see inside out…and I agree charlie is awesome
Wow I wasn’t aware of all these different charities. I didn’t know about the International Bird Rescue, I’ll have to look into that!
I can not wait for the snoopy/charlie brown movie to come out and it’s great to learn more about the characters.
I have happy memories of Peanuts, Snoopy, Linus and the rest. So, this was a great way to revisit that childhood experience. The tie-in with some great charities is a terrific idea. 🙂
This article really made me smile!