The Little Things that Make Us Smile

When was the last time you had a photo taken of you and whomever you were with and it wasn’t taken by a professional photographer? Selfies don’t count. I’m referring to a photo of you with your family at a special event or on vacation. Maybe you and a child together at a school function. With as many pictures as I take, seldom do I find any of the family all together. That’s one of the reasons when I see someone taking what seems like a keepsake shot of the person they are with, I’ll stop and ask if I can take their photo for them. It’s a simple little act that takes virtually no time and leaves a smile on a total stranger’s face.
I believe in karma… It happened to me when someone offered to take a photo of my daughters and I while on vacation and also while we were visiting family at Christmas. The fact that someone would take time out of their schedule to preserve this moment for me made me happy.
Just like that time I came out to my car to find a $5 Starbucks gift card on the windshield, nothing can prepare you for that unexpected gush of happiness. These kind acts aren’t reserved for adults, either. While on vacation, a street vendor provided face painting for my daughters. We offered him a tip and he refused. Not only did it thrill my daughters that he took such care and detail while creating their individual masterpieces but it warmed our hearts that he wouldn’t take accept a gratuity!
Some people refer to it as random acts of kindness and it is celebrated on March 20th each year as “International Day of Happiness.” In honor of the day, not only can you give someone a smile but you can also help Big Brothers Big Sisters of American financially. How? By pledging to do something kind. Some small act like holding the door for someone or helping a neighbor. Upscale someone’s selfie by taking the photo for them. The pledge process takes less than a minute and for every pledge $1 will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, up to $25,000. There’s even a little something extra in it if you follow a few extra steps: a chance to win a 7 day Caribbean cruise for four! That’s no small prize! $25,000 worth of #HappyActs for Big Brothers Big Sisters of American and a super prize for one karma-worthy winner.
As I said, I’m one of those people who likes to make other people smile so this is right up my alley. I headed to the Acts of Happiness website and took the pledge myself. (Did you hear that $1 just cha-ching into the Big Brothers Big Sister donation bin?) You know what? It took less than a minute. Seriously. Less than a minute to agree to do something I love to do anyhow.
If you have just one minute, please take the pledge. It doesn’t cost anything and the benefits are the smiles it leaves behind.
For more information on Big Brothers Big Sisters, visit their website. Be sure to tune into the Live Happy Facebook page to see who wins the cruise as well as some other prizes that are being given away.
Please share a sample of when someone made you the recipient of Acts of Happiness. #HappyActs.
Happy “International Day of Happiness”! Thank you for telling me about this, I am going to make the pledge!
Anytime someone leaves a legitimate comment on my blog, it makes me smile. So I’m hoping it does the same for you! Great post, Nicole.
I love that, Andrew! I feel the same way when I a comment from a friend on the blog! 🙂
I just found out that today is officially a Happy Day last night! I wish that I had time to write a post, there are so many things that I have to be happy about! I’ll share one with you – my job. I’ve never had such a fulfilling career as I do now that I am a blogger!
This morning I was super grumpy and my daughter gave me a hug and said, “NOW are you happy, mom?” Yes. Yes, I was. <3
Wow! Someone knew what you deserved that day. Great story
My son spent all afternoon at school making me art work. I felt so happy to randomly receive a special gift from him.
A guy at the grocery store gave the clerk $20 to put toward my groceries because I let him go ahead of me. I had a full cart and he only had 3 things. Seemed a no-brainer to me but he gave me $20 for it!!
I had no idea there was an International Day of Happiness! I love it. Will spread some extra joy around today!
I love the international day of happiness!! I try to pay things forward regularly. it makes ME feel good to make someone else happy. I think its great for kids to see it modeled too
I always try to pay random acts of kindness forward. Great post
Happy International Day of Kindness! I try to pay it forward whenever I can. Sometimes, it’s the smallest things that make a difference.
Thanks for the great post! I always share random acts of kindness, and I hope the people I am kind to pass it on as well. You never know when you can change someone’s life.
I Try To Make People Smile All The Time In General It’s A Great Feeling & People Should Do MORE Often!!
What a great cause & I like her face painting.
What a great day to celebrate! When my hubby helps around the house it makes me smile 🙂
I wish every day was a day to celebrate random acts of kindness. Strangers have certainly made a difference in my life before just being kind. I hope I can pass it on. I do try!
What a great message! I love the idea.
Happy International Happiness Day!! I think this day should be every single day! Your girls are gorgeous!
Unforced smiles are my favorite! Happy International Happiness Day!
I saw this trending on Twitter and was wondering about it. Thanks for sharing this… I love random acts of kindness and paying it forward. I had some heartwarming experiences with it around the holidays. On two occasions someone paid for my coffee! 😉
I was wondering why I kept seeing that hashtag today! Happy happiness day!
When my fiance and I were first dating, we visited a little beach area in one of my favorite places – Acadia National Park. We were trying to take a “selfie” together in front of the ocean water and beautiful blue sky, but were having a bit of trouble. Out of nowhere, a stranger came over and asked if he could take a photo for us, and we happily accepted. I am so glad that we have a really great picture from that day now, thanks to that stranger taking a moment to help us out.
I love “International Day of Happiness”! I think its a great day to be happy!
I had a lady help me with my groceries the other day and tell me I was a good mom. It was much needed. Random acts are so awesome!
I had no idea it was “International Day of Happiness”. What a wonderful thing to celebrate!
Happy Happiness Day! I wish we could spread this day to everyday.
I did take the pledge and think it’s a wonderful reminder for us all to be happier, kinder and give a little more tto others.
I love little things like this that help us to remember that little things matter. I need more photos of myself with my kids. That is a beautiful picture with your children.
I was standing in line at the cashier one time when I realized that the kid in front of me did not have enough money to pay for a sharpener, so I told the cashier to let her go and offered to pay. The sharpener cost 25 cents, but the joy that I felt for helping was priceless. Every little kind thing done for others creates a piece of heaven! Thank you for reminding us all.
“International Day of Happiness” – I look forward to it every day! Thank you – I didn’t know there was an actual event on the calendars! 🙂
I wish I would have seen this earlier.
I’m all about Paying it forward with my company.
I have tons of different ways I do this and with the money we accumulate, we donate to pay someone’s bills.
Such a beautiful, inspirational post – I love random acts of kindness, both giving and receiving! Thank you for sharing.
I’ve always been the picture taker of the family and so I am not in very many photos – the few times a stranger has offered to take our picture it has delighted me – yet I’ve never offered to do it for anyone else (unless they offered to do it for me first)-I think it is just shyness. As for a random act of kindness, I remember one time in Asheville, North Carolina we were trying to figure out how a municipal parking lot worked. A young lady, seeing our puzzlement, stopped, explained how the system worked and then gave us her parking receipt – she was getting ready to vacate her spot. It had 8 hours left on it! We were able to park in this one spot all day in a city where it isn’t easy to find good parking.
What a fantastic way to encourage people do something nice for others. A great message to teach out kids too. 🙂
Oh simple things! What a lovely, cheery post! 🙂
We hired a professional for my sons Bar Mitzvah next weekend.. That will be the only time i will have a pro take pics of us.
I love when people can share kindness. We need more of it! Thanks for sharing this post!
What a great pic with you and your kids. I love watching my kids grow and learn new things, makes me smile every time.
Thanks for sharing! I love reading stuff like this!!! It makes me feel so much more connected to a positive world.
What a wonderful post! We have VERY few pictures of the three of us. However, just last month — on our very first trip to Stride Rite — a stranger walking by the store happened to see me with my camera. I was taking pictures of my husband and daughter entering Stride Rite for her very first pair of shoes. The stranger asked if he could take a picture of the three of us. I explained how thoughtful that was — especially since we were celebrating the purchase of my baby’s first pair of shoes. Small acts of kindness certainly go along way!
Random acts of kindness are awesome. I was in line at the drive through at Dunkin Donuts before Christmas and the guy in line in front of me paid for my coffee. It was such a nice surprise.
I know….I’m usually the one taking the pictures…like yesterday – I took 100’s of my son and husband and none of me. I do love the little things in life too!!
Such an encouraging post! Yup, you’re right… “Some small act like holding the door for someone or helping a neighbor.” Always be kind, nothing really wrong with it!
I am heading to check out the Acts of Happiness website. Thanks for sharing – I have never heard of this before.
My husband yesterday went on a walk and brought be a ton of flowers just to say he loves me #HappyAct!
You know what, I was here the other day reading this, and I clicked over to take the pledge and think I forgot to comment. If not, just never mind me or my duplicate comment. 😉
I like the idea of doing random acts of kindness. Your Starbucks find was a good one. I have had someone pay for my coffee at McDonald’s in the morning (in the drive-through ahead of me).
I do nice things for others when I can. It’s even better if you get to do it anonymously.
Big Brother and Big Sisters of America is such a great organization to help. I think contributing to them is a great way to celebrate a day of happiness.
I also believe in Karma and have had it come back and bite me in the butt before… I like the good karma the best.
I love the idea ot International Day of Happiness and this is the first I have heard of it. I have done random acts of kindness before.. I think it just makes me feel good sometimes to do something nice for others.
I volunteered for Big Brothers Big Sisters for several years. It is such a great organization!
what a great charity to donate to. I’d love to make someone smile. I’m heading over now.
I never knew there was an International Day of Happiness; but now I’m so HAPPY that there is! Thanks for this post.
I think it’s the little things for me too. Watching my children sleep, for instance, fills my heart to bursting!
I had no idea there was an International Day of Happiness. I love that. In fact, it’s inspired me today. There is a work crew down the street and I think they look like they’d love a plate of cookies. I think chocolate chips would definitely spread some happiness 🙂
What a great post! Who knew there was an International Day of Happiness?! I like it. 🙂
Great cause! And I agree, random acts of kindness are so important and go a long way. We need to keep doing them every day!
I am appreciative for the notes my husband sometimes leaves me on my desk! Those make me oh so happy!
I smile every morning as soon as I get up. I also smile at my grouchy husband to try to change his mood because he is not a morning person. It works most of the time.
Big Brothers, Big Sisters is SUCH a great organization. Ashley has been a Big Sister for the last three years, and both she and her Little have gotten a lot out of it.
Whenever anyone is upset about anything, my toddler says, “Me make you birthday card! Make you happy!” Just the way he says it will cheer anyone up immediately.
I’m a big fan of RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness) … even when we don’t have a lot of money, we find others ways to spread joy and smiles and blessings to strangers and even people we know.. 🙂