Everything Ever Party Game Overview

Earlier this year, we spent a lot of time watching basketball. We decided to introduce the March Madness tournament to Em and Ev. They seem to think they know everything, so we needed to humble them somehow. Getting every single college basketball pick correct is not easy. We filled out our brackets with plans to find who is the smartest about college basketball in our family.
Like normal, we found quick board games to break up the down time between the tournament viewings. Sometimes even during halftime. We received a copy of Floodgate Games‘ Everything Ever. This was yet another game that worked with our time and helped humble the kids. After playing this game, you will know who knows everything, and who doesn’t.

This is also just a fun game to play with those who know random information about life. Believe it or not, you have prepared your entire life for this game: Every movie you’ve watched, every book you’ve read, every song you’ve listened to, even every place you’ve visited. Everything you have been exposed to in life will help you win Everything Ever.

The setup is quick and simple. The category cards are shuffled together, and 3 are dealt out to each player. If you are playing against kids or someone who might need help, you can deal them out a couple more cards. Then each player takes a judge card, and the remaining can be left in the box. A draw deck is formed depending on the number of players in the game. The top two cards are placed out in the middle of the table to start with listed categories.

On your turn you will be listing off, and saying out loud something that fits in the category on each of the cards in the center of the table. Your memory will need to be sharp as you cannot repeat things already mentioned. As the game continues players will run out of things that fit within the categories.

If you can’t think of something, you have two options. You can choose a new category by placing out a card from your hand on top of the category card. You’ll continue by listing off something that fits in that new category. As an alternative, you take a penalty by taking the category card and any cards stacked beneath it. You’ll set them in front of you to track the penalty. In this option, you place the top card from the draw deck in the empty space as a new category. You may but aren’t required to begin the new list.
In addition, you’re rewarded if you can name something that fits within both categories on the table. Either discard one of your penalty cards or draw a card from the deck to place in your hand. Then add a third category card to the table. Players now will need to name off things for the three categories. The third stack isn’t replaced if a player takes a penalty. Play continues with the two categories.
Players have 10 seconds on their turn to name something, so get that brain ready to go. At any time, you can play a judge card on a player when they say a thing that’s technically accurate but pushing the limits. Or you can use the judge card when someone says the same things that’s already been mentioned. On the first offense, any other player can play a judge card with “watch yourself” placed face up in front of that player. On a second offense, any other player can flip that card over to the “You’re Out of Order” side. When this happens, the player must take a penalty.
The game ends when a player gets a penalty and there are no cards left in the draw deck. Whomever has the least penalty cards is the winner.
In order to make it playable for our kids, we had to search the deck for categories that they would actually know. As I browsed, I found a whole bunch of categories that I would either be really good at. Also a lot I would be horrible at. Everything Ever is the kind of game that’s great for trivia buffs! Add a copy to your Amazon cart to test the knowledge of your resident know-it-all. If you are looking for something more tailored toward kids, try Floodgate Games’ title Kites. Sagrada dice game and Decorum logic game are two other great games from Floodgate Games so check those out also!
What’s some random piece of trivia you know that other people are surprised by?