Holiday Giveaways 2019 – Clank! Prize Package from Renegade Game Studios

As we wrap up 2019 and get ready to usher in 2020, we’re happy to be able to do that with the help of some excellent sponsors. Renegade Game Studios is helping us do that in style with this amazing Clank! Legacy prize package. Not only is one reader going to receive a copy of Clank! Legacy Acquisitions Incorporated which was included in our guide to games for tweens, but that same person will also receive an Upper Management Pack AND a C-Team Pack!
You’re running out of chances to enter to win so don’t hesitate to join in on this one. The value may even entice you to return daily for the bonus entries! Good luck!
Holiday Giveaway 2019 – Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated Prize Bundle
I resolve to get more games in…and not just ones I’m reviewing
My game related new years resolution is to just enjoy playing games, regardless of if I win or lose.
My gaming goal for next year is to play more of the games already on our shelf and acquire less.
engage families and schools
I resolve to form or join a gaming group and start playing all these games I have acquired in the last couple of years!!! Looking good on the shelf is not enough!!!
I am looking to continue and expand my board game collection and to find more local people that enjoy the complicated games!
I would really like to build my gaming group by finding people who like the more complicated games. I would also like to continue growing my collection of games
I am aiming to clear my shelf of shame!
I hope to win this bundle!!!! Can’t wait!!!! Thank you
My NY resolution is to put my table top game up on kick-starter!
I would love to play with my grandkids the new games they got for Christmas
I would love to play with my grandkids the new games they got for Christmas.
More Convention
This year I’m going to try to start up a new weekday game group. My old one is about done and I’m buying 5x more games than I actually play again.
Play through my collection!
I resolve to target our collection more to games we actually play/enjoy
I would love to play more games
To actually get to play some games this year.
I resolve to just play more. I didn’t really get that much gaming in over the past year, and I’d like to correct that.
I resolve to start a monthly gaming night
What is your game-related New Year’s Resolution? To find a regular group/place to play.
I would love to play more games this year!
Going to play more and introduce to new people
My gaming goal for 2020 is to play all the games on our Shelf of Shame as of 12/31/19.
What a way to start the new year. I intend to stream more tabletop sessions.
I’ve heard this is a good game.
To play more and buy less.
Get more people coming to my departmental games club.
My New Years gaming resolution is to find a group that I can play with regularly
To play more games this year.
My gaming resolution is to set up my own regular gaming group for a few friends.
Ooooo, gimnm!
I resolve to play more games in the new year!
My New year’s game resolution is to greatly decrease the games on my shelf of shame.
I hope to get a more consistent game night with our couples game group. It is a great escape and all the families’ kids get along while the adults play games and enjoy the company.
I resolve to get through my shelf of shame.
Been thinking to get it
Love this!!!
Always play more often! 🙂
My New Year’s resolution is to buy less games and play more of the games I already own. So many game with so few plays (But so many new games I still want! Winning a game doesn’t count as buying one, at least ).
My gaming resolution is to play more games from the shelf of shame!
My resolution is to play games with people other than my wife and add to my game collection.
play more
play more
I would be SOOO excited if I won!
Playtest my game design!
Play games with new people
Play games more often and get 7th continent to the table for the first time.
There are only two of us in the household now and we desperately need some good 2-player games, so I resolve to hunt for them!
I want to play more and learn new games
My New year related resolution is to try to buy fewer games and play the ones I have more. IE: Get more mileage out of the great games I have and keep focused 🙂
This year, I would like to do a better job of photographing and documenting my gaming sessions. I always love people’s board game photos and session blogs and feel like I need to be a better contributor to the community.
My resolution is to play my shelf of shame games this year. I currently have about 15 so I want to get that down to zero if possible.
To set aside at least one day a month for tabletop gaming.
I resolve to get Wasteland Express Delivery Service to the table. It’s been a challenge thus far.
My goal is to get my unplayed games learned and to the table. So far so good! I’ve already gotten 2 done this and they’ve been a hit!
Try to game with family and coworkers as often as possible by promoting the right game for the audience!!
Attend more game groups.
My goal is to play more often then last year!
Two player game night date nights!
I want to play more games and also replay games as much as I can! So many games on my shelf of shame!
Looks good
My gaming resolution for 2020 is to host more board gaming parties than last year (we only hosted 2 parties, including NYE).
My new year’s goal is to play more games…and to finish some of these campaign games we’ve started. We just finished Near & Far so definitely on track 🙂
My New Years Resolution for gaming would be to have family game night as often as possible! my kids really enjoy it, even if sometimes one ends up crying. lol
I just really want to find a new game group in the city I recently moved to.
Clean off my shelves with old games and make room for some new ones.
To play more unopened games!
Get out Eurorails more often!
Play more often
Good luck everyone.
Clear out the shelf of shame.
My resolution is to play games with my kids and figure out what types of games they like best.
Thanks! This looks fantastic!
play more with new people, get rid of the shelf of shame
Definitely to play more often
Try more new games instead of just keep playing the same old games.
Play more games with my wife!
play at least twice a week with my family
I’ve been dying to add this game to my collection
Play with new friends!
More board play less cyber play!!!!!! SW
Mine is to play more games with my granddaughter
I remember Mad Libs and The Idea Room New Resolutions game!
play more often