War Chest Game Giveaway

The first time I saw War Chest from Alderac Entertainment Group was during a meeting at Origins last year. I was impressed by the packaging then I started to hear what an awesome game it is.
We included this chip-based battlefield strategy game in our list of games for teens and adults and hope some of you had a chance to pick it up as a gift for someone this past holiday season. Now you can treat yourself by picking it up on Amazon or you can enter to win it right here!
Not many, I think Risk and Civilization fall into that category. Otherwise, some miniature games like Galaxy Defenders and Sword & Sorcery.
In the battlefield strategy genre, I played only Battlelore 2nd edition. And I love it!!
great giveaway!
tank chess is pretty good
I’ve never played but I would enjoy learning with my grandchildren.
I will play with the kids.Should be fun.
Backgammon- Battleship- Chess
Risk would be my favorite strategy game.
Rommel in the Desert
When I was young I played games like Risk and Stratego.
I’ve not played many of these games. But willing to try them out!
Not many! Just the classics like risk and battleship.
Pretty much only Risk, and a miniatures game called Necromunda.
Many a night in college spent playing Axis and Allies….
I have played Battleship, Chess and Stratego..
Ultimate General: Civil War. The game allows you to play as a Union or Confederate general commanding your troops through various battles, conflicts and side missions. The core of the game is about commanding infantry brigades, keeping up morale, flanking and maneuvering.
A Song of Ice & Fire
Heroscape is still the best battlefield strategy game of all time!
I have played Risk.
Love War of The Ring or Star Wars Rebellion. Memoir44 is the one I’ve played the most with my son tho.
I have played Risk back in the day but would love to try some new ones!
My nephew loves these types of games. I know he has played Risk.
Non-cooperative resource management game?
our kids love games
Not sure about battlefield strategy, but I’ve played a war game before: 1989: Dawn of Freedom.
I’ve played Risk.
I don’t. I buy them for my adult granddaughters