From Hot to Not: Pick a Pepper
Disclosure Despite the fact that I'm watching my weight and changing my eating habits, I still like to eat out....
Disclosure Despite the fact that I'm watching my weight and changing my eating habits, I still like to eat out....
Disclosure It's no secret that I haven't been blogging much lately. I've been pretty busy and finding time to blog...
Disclosure Learning to watch what we are eating has made me look at everything with a different eye. That was...
Disclosure I have fond memories of things we did as a family when I was growing up. My folks coached...
Disclosure It's been a while since I've talked about my dogs around here. Unfortunately, it's no longer plural. Just over...
Disclosure Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not the cook in the family. Actually, anyone that attended my wedding...
Disclosure Growing up with two brothers, being the one to get to pull the 'prize' out of the box of...
Disclosure Since August, DH and I have been on a journey to a healthier life. I've mentioned it before, I...
Disclosure Many, many, many years ago, we had a perpetual collection of cereal in our little apartment. Despite lacking the...
Disclosure There are several things that I tend to be private about - or at least touch only the tip...
Disclosure Reading Facebook can be pretty entertaining sometimes. A friend announced that her son was searching their pantry for Box Tops...
Disclosure When I was 4, my folks uprooted us from our small home in the small city and transplanted us...