New Game Release – Railroad Ink Deep Blue

Horrible Guild has released Railroad Ink Deep Blue, a train-themed roll-and-write game, into retail recently.
In Railroad Ink, your goal is to connect as many exits on your board as possible. Roll the dice to determine which kind of road and railway routes are available this round, then draw the routes on your erasable boards to create transport lines and connect your exits! Try to optimize the available symbols better than your opponents: the more exits you connect, the more points you score at the end of the game, but you lose points for each incomplete route, so plan carefully!
New lands have opened up and the race is on to create the best network of rail and road lines through it. Players roll the route dice and must then draw the subsequent results on their individual route boards. Players score points for having long interconnected routes, as well as connecting the entry points to their board, plus having routes through the center of their Boards. But beware, they’ll lose points for leaving unfinished lines. In this deep blue edition, the lake and River dice add in some cool, refreshing waterways to the maps.
Railroad Ink Deep Blue is for one to six players, ages eight and up, and plays in around thirty minutes. It retails for $19.99.
Horrible Guild previously released Railroad Ink Blazing Red (see Railroad Ink Blazing Red game).