Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Pirate Tails by Skybound Tabletop

Did you happen to see Pirate Tails on our holiday guide of card games that make good gifts? It’s another title by Skybound Tabletop, but this one has a personal connection. We know the designer and saw her at a convention over the summer where she had an early copy of the game. The excitement she expressed as she showed it off was infectious. A few months later, here we are… offering a copy to one of our readers. Use the form to have a chance at being that reader!
Did you hear about the new pirate movie? You know, the one that is rated “Arrrgh”!
How do you save a dying pirate?
Answer: C-P-arrrrrrr
Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrr!
Why does it take so long to teach a pirate to read?
They get stuck on Arrrrrgh!
3.14% of sailors are Pi rates.
ahaha. that’s a good one.
What’s a pirate’s favorite type of exercise? The plank!
What did the pirate say to the eye doctor?
I Sea!!
How do you save a dying pirate?
How do pirates communicate?
Aye to aye!
What’s a pirate’s favorite music genre? Arrrrrr & B
What’s a pirates favorite letter? The “C”
What’s a pirate’s favorite kind of cookie? Ships Ahoy!
What do you call a pirate with both eyes and all his limbs?
A Rookie
Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrr!