Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Kiss the Goblin by Skybound Tabletop

It’s always interesting when you hear a game title that doesn’t feel like it matches the game play. Kiss the Goblin from Skybound Tabletop is a party game that utilizes the lawful good to chaotic evil spectrum to answer questions. We included it along with a brief description in our party game gift guide, but if you stopped at the box title then you missed out. For those who did, here’s your chance to snag a copy at no cost! Use the form to enter the giveaway:
Holiday Giveaway 2023 – Kiss the Goblin Game
100% Chaotic Evil
Mostly lawful, mostly good (or at least I try to be…)
smack dab in the middle, despite the best of intentions
I’m 99% lawfully good.. The 1% evil is reserved for those who take up 2 parking spots and get the rest of my drink dumped on their windshield.
I’m mostly lawful with a hint of evil.
Hmmm…maybe neutral good. Most of the time.
Somewhere in the middle
I try to be lawful
I’m exactly in the center of the lawful good/evil spectrum
Chaotic good is what I find the most fun to play as
I love chaotic evil
I tend to lean to the lawful side.