Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Turbo Kidz by Scorpion Masque

You may find yourself offering advice for teen drivers while you’re out on the road, but you’ll have to shift gears when you’re looking for games for family game night. Turbo Kidz from Scorpion Masque has teams working together “behind the wheel” to navigate their way through a course. This one includes courses on dry erase boards and a blindfold! Laughs are sure to ensue for whomever wins this giveaway. Race on to the Gleam form to participate:
Listening to audiobook versions of a series I’d read before, and I picked up a piece of foreshadowing a solid 10+ books in advance of the payoff. Literally shouted “What?!?!?” at my car stereo and had to slam on my brakes.
Full disclosure, the author apparently had no plans for this at the time, and only weaved it in later to make it look like foreshadowing. Still awesome.
My cat getting out of his carrier and curling up around my neck.
I drove for Uber about 10 years ago and I gave a stormtrooper and Darth Vader a 30 minute ride to Comic Con.
Driving past enormous dauschound heads on a flatbed. (the original Doggie Diner heads).
Was talking with my husband about another car that had gotten in an accident. My toddler in the back seat thought the car had peed its pants.
crazy fire drill!
Great gift guide. Turbo Kidz by Scorpion Masque looks interesting.
I guess it’s funny now, but it wasn’t back in the day-I made a C in driver’s Ed in high school
Funniest thing that has happened when in a car is playing the corn game. Anytime you see a separate field of corn you have to be the first to yell “Corn!” and then you get a point!
I can’t think of a specific funny incident but I do think it’s funny that most people feel the urge to yell “cow!” whenever they drive past one.
In a city new to me, I turned the wrong way down a 1 way street, then backed up into the street I came from also facing the wrong way, all the while my friends in the back seat are laughing instead of helping me navigate. I ended up doing a 3 point turn through the intersection.