Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Secret Identity Prize Package by R&R Games

While attending an industry event earlier this year, Dan from R&R Games gave me a lanyard with a sample Secret Identity game card on it. It equated to a mini demo of the game that I was able to play with other people. Fast forward to this holiday season and Secret Identity found itself on our 2023 holiday guide to party games. Fast forward (again) to today and we are running a giveaway so one of you can win a copy of the game!
Holiday Giveaway 2023 – Secret Identity Prize Package
Playboy billionaire
I can’t tell you ….
then it wouldn’t be a secret!!
Author with a pseudonym so I didn’t have to acknowledge any accidental self-revelation in my work
I would love to be a secret philanthropist (now I just need the money to become one).
I don’t tell secrets.
I would be a bestselling author.
Someone with the time to take a nap or relax and read a book!
Ssshhh it’s a secret
Corgi farmer.
If I was rich I would be the “random acts of kindness” guy that pays for people’s stuff when the least expect it.
A secret popstar
I would love to have enough money to retire and anonymously do random acts of kindness! This would be a dream!
I would be a secret agent board game santa.
Retired and doing philanthropic work