Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Kapow Volume 2 by Wise Wizard Games

Did you happen to catch the recent exciting news from Wise Wizard Games? They’re launching a new brand called Wacky Wizard Games. While they’ll continue to produce strategic games (read our Star Realms overview here) and Kapow (Kapow Volume 2 was featured in our latest guide to family games), the new line will focus on family-weight games including a co-design by our very own, Scott Brady! Those new games aren’t slated for release until 2024 so in the meantime, take advantage of this giveaway for one of their latest releases: Kapow Volume 2!
Holiday Giveaway 2023 – Kapow Volume 2 Game
Star realms
Excited about Caution Signs!
Hero Realms
Pack the Essentials
Pack the Essentials looks fun
Hard to say – either Star Realms Academy or Pack the Essentials.
The game Pack the Essentials looks like it a lot of fun.
Hero Realms!
Pack the Essentials
Star Realms Rise of Empire
Pack the Essentials
Pack the Essentials
Pack the essentials – though I like star realms and I’m sure a more kid friendly version would be great too
Pack the Essentials
Excited about Pack the Essentials
Pack the Essentials might be okay.
Excited for Hero Realms
I’ll take Pack the Essentials!
Pack the Essentials
Hero Realms!
Pack the Essentials
I’m excited about Star Realms Academy.