Holiday Giveaways 2022 – Spy Labs Master Detective Toolkit V2 by Thames & Kosmos

Thames and Kosmos has such cool products in their catalogs. Not only do they offer award-winning games like The Crew, but they also have a lot of STEM products. I had actually learned about their educational line long before I worked with them to cover board games.
With so many items that make great STEM gifts, we enjoy including them in our gift guides. This year, we included the Spy Labs Master Detective Toolkit V2 that teaches about forensics and detective work. It’s very cool and we’re pleased that Thames and Kosmos has offered this prize for one of our readers. My detective research points to one thing: you need to enter the giveaway if you want a chance to win it!
Veronica Mars!
I really like Veronica Mars!
I really liked the “Sherlock” series from the BBC.
BBC’s Sherlock
Any version of Sherlock Holmes. The 30’s German version was amsuing. I liked Basil Rathbone’s portrayals (but not his Watson). I liked the Candian tv series. And the most recent BBC portrayal was an excellent updating.
There is no doubt that my favourite detective series is Twin Peaks, the first season
Without a doubt, Columbo.
i love criminal intent!
Endeavour is one of my favorites.
I like Monk, Criminal Minds, and Bones!
This looks like a fun game that would be beneficial in helping develop critical thinking skills.
One of my favourite detective shows is Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch!
I feel like “Evil” is kind of a detective show in a way!
I like The Killing
I like all of them, I’m a real mystery fan. Columbo is always a hoot to watch, though.
The Jack Reacher book series by Lee Childs.
I love watching Poirot!
House M.D.
My fave detective TV series is Broadchurch.
I like any of the Parcast podcasts, especially unexplained mysteries.
Does the Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones Fugitive count as detective movie?
Show CSI and NCIS.
Perry Mason – Magnum PI. – Rockford Files – Monk
I liked Monk, the TV show. Such a tragic character.
Poirot tv series with David Suchet and Sherlock Holmes tv series with Jeremy Brett….and Murder She Wrote
Dragnet was pretty cool!! I was born in 1981 but used to watch it on Nick at Nite!
Sherlock Holmes!
Sherlock Holmes
The kids like read detective stories because they like to guess
My son would love this he loves solving crimes