Holiday Giveaways 2022 – Castle Panic Big Box by Fireside Games

It’s been quite a while since we first introduced you to Castle Panic and their creators, Fireside Games. We’ve enjoyed watching their company grow and earn accolades for their family-friendly products. They recently revamped Castle Panic and released a Big Box that includes the base game and expansions along with promo items, all with second edition artwork.
The Castle Panic Big Box was included in our guide to family games and we’re hoping some of our readers recognized the value of this product and gifted it to someone on their list. For those who might not have, we’re pleased to say they will be shipping one to the winner of this giveaway!
I would play this with my boyfriend!
I’d play CP big box with relatives & friends that I’ve already played the base game with.
I would play this with my family!
My family
Mt whole family
My four boys and I love tower defense games! My First Castle Panic is my youngest absolute favorite game.
I would play with my family
I would play it with my family
I would play it with my family
i would play with my teens!
I would play this with my Brooklyn son and family.
I would play this with my son and his family.
Definitely with my husband and kids. We’ve played before and would love to play with all the expansions!
I would play with my niece. 🙂
I would play it with my children and grandchildren.
I would play this with my family!
I would play with my family as we have fond memories of the first edition.
I would play with my family.
Play with my partner and friends!
My family on game night!!
More fun games to play!
grandkids will be so happy
I usually play with my siblings and inlaws
My family
I would probably play by myself first then invite family and friends after I got the feel for it.
With my family!
I would play it with my husband and teenagers!
I would play it with my son.
I would play with my husband and family!
My family.
With my family and friends of course.
I would play with my grandkids!
I play it with my family.
My kids and brothers and sisters
my nephews
I would play this with our D&D crew and we could be able to add in my nieces and nephew too!!
I would play with my wife!