Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Block Ness by Blue Orange Games

The first time I saw Block Ness from Blue Orange Games on a table at a convention, I was like, “Whoaaa! That’s cool!” We felt it was an ideal game for our holiday gift guide focused on family games so it landed a spot on that list. We have featured Blue Orange Games products on SahmReviews through both our game overview articles and our Thrift Treasure series so you’re probably already familiar with their games. If you’re looking for gift ideas, grab Block Ness on Amazon so you have it in time for the holidays. Plus we’re offering you the chance to win a copy of it here!
No I havn’t just watched tv shows about it.
No, not as of yet
I have read articles about Loch Ness but never visited.
No I have not.
I don’t have time to go chasing myths and such.
No never done that
No I never have
It’s all new to me.
Been there! Looked for Nessie
I have not.
No but I watched documentaries about it!
I’ve read/watched a little about the Loch Ness monster but not in depth.
I watched a lot of TV shows about it.
I have never researched or visited the loch ness
I certainly haven’t visited or researched any ‘Lock Ness’. I’ve seen tidbits about a ‘Loch Ness’ though! Hehe…
Of course I’ve been curious and I have googled about Loch Ness.
read about it yes, but haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Scotland or the loch…. yet.
Never have! Even though the monster isn’t real, I bet it’s still a neat place to visit.
No, never been there or read a lot about it.
I teach a French unit about supernatural phenomenon. The Loch Ness monster is one of the “monsters” we read about.
I’ve never been there, but I have researched it, because I lived in the Okanagan for a few years, and there is an Ogopogo there (apparently), which is like the Loch Ness monster.
A couple articles about the guy who admitted to faking THAT photo. You know the one.
I have seen some videos talking about Loch Ness and it’s mysterious creature but I have never been there. It would be cool to go.
No I have never really researched Loch Ness.
I’ve made my fair share of research on it lol
No, I have never researched it.
I have never researched Loch Ness…but I’ve watched many TV shows and documentaries about it. The possibility of Nessie fascinates me.
No, I’ve never visited or researched Loch Ness, but I’ve seen television programs about it. I’m not sure that I believe that a sea monster exits, but it’s still fun to hear about it. I would love to visit Scotland to see the actual Loch Ness location.
Yes, to get opinions and reviews prior to purchasing.
No, I haven’t
Seen documentaries about it. Would love to visit it someday.