Holiday Giveaways 2020 – The Mind Extreme Game by Pandasaurus Games

A lot of people are familiar with The Mind, a game from Pandasaurus Games. But did you know there’s a more intense (or should I say, “Extreme”) version available? It found a spot on our guide to card and dice games, but people who know about the game probably knew that before we even did. Grab a copy of The Mind Extreme to stuff in the stocking this Christmas or enter to win a copy!
I have never had the opportunity to visit one.
I’ve never visited one.
I have never visited either.
I have not. No plans to, either….
Once about 45 years ago. It was a joke.
I have never visited one but curious to
Nope, never.
Never, but I recently watched a pretty funny sketch on SNL about it.
Yes I have. In fact, my godmother is a psychic.
I have not visited a psychic or telepath.
I am an active Spiritualist; I belong to the Spiritualist Church. The Psychic Medium who runs the Church is absolutely extraordinary.
Yes a long time ago .
No never
Yes, a long time ago at a party.
No, I have never been to a psychic.
one time
No, I never visited one. Kind of a sceptic about this sort of thing.
I have never visited or seen a psychic or telepath.
I have never visited either.
No thank you. I’m a practicing Catholic and know that that stuff invites demons into your life. Stay away from that, Tarot cards, Quiji boards, and everything else that tries to communicate with the dead or tell the future. Trust your future to God!
I did some side work for one but that was all. No readings just business.
No I have not but I am open to visiting one
two times
I visited one once as a gag at a street fair kind of thing.
No, sorry I have no visited either “advisor”.