Holiday Giveaways 2019 – Ishtar by iello

When we included Ishtar in our guide to games for teens and adults, I was kind of torn. It’s not a terribly difficult game, but definitely isn’t something that young kids could play. It’s elegant, yet requires a bit of strategy and forward thinking. You can read specific details in our overview of Ishtar that we posted last month.
This game from the award-winning designer Bruno Cathala is an excellent addition to any game shelf. If you haven’t already picked up a copy for the holidays, there’s still time! Plus, here’s your chance to enter to win it!
Only that she is the goddess of war and sex
I know nothing about it.
A goddess from Mesopotamia, goddess of the very strong emotions of love, sex, desire, and war. Associated with the planet Venus. Her most prominent symbols are the lion and the eight pointed star.
Other than seeing her image in the British museum (I remember really liking the owls in the carving), I don’t know anything about Sumerian gods.
Was generally more interested in Isis and other Egyptian goddesses.
I know nothing!
I saw a good review of this game!!
I don’t know anything!
I know she’s kind of Aphrodite’s precusror.
Zero. Nice to see games with themes that I could learn from!
I don’t know anything about the goddess Ishtar, but I do know the IELLO makes some fantastic games, so I’m sure this one will be great too!
goddess of war and sexual love
I know nothing about Ishtar except it was a bad movie starring Dustin Hoffman.
Mesopotamian goddess. That’s all I’ve got.
I do not know a thing.
I know nothing.
no, i don’t
Nope I don’t
Apparently a goddess
A goddess from Mesopotamia
She’s a goddess of Mesopotamia; that’s it. I need to learn more!
I have never heard of it and don’t know anything
not familiar.
I dont know anything!
Don’t know anything about Ishtar
Ishtar is a goddess
I know nothing about the Goddess Ishtar.