Mega Giveaway Day 81 – Just Add Glue Science Kit

For me, the most memorable lessons in school often revolved around hands-on projects. As an example, in accounting class, we played Monopoly and had to log all our transactions in a ledger with the appropriate debits and credits. Interactive learning lessons have a way of making something like math or science more fun. Because we feel so strongly about the importance of having fun while learning, we’ve put together lists of games for teaching as well as toys and games that make STEM more fun. Our 150+ Days of giveaways includes many prizes that fall into this category including our Day 81 prize, Just Add Glue Science Kit from Griddly Games. If you’re ready for some edutainment, enter for a chance to win this cool kit!
My most memorable childhood craft project was making structures, etc with popsicle sticks….pretty hot item back in the day.
I had a rock polisher. I then made items with the rocks – jewelry case, rings …
I drew/painted a fish creature that won 1st place at the county art fair in 3rd grade
My most memorable craft project was a basket I wove when I was 12.
I made a paper mâché piñata for my birthday party.
“What is your most memorable childhood craft project?” Animated films were always cool and fun!
My most memorable childhood craft project was making a gingerbread house with my brothers. This was an absolute mess.
We didn’t do crafts when we were kids – we were busy trying to balance on bicycles and learning how to roller skate and how to play baseball.
A baby blanket I knitted when I was 13.
Making Candles
My mom knitted me a Barbie dress which I still have and have given to my granddaughter
I remember making cut paper snowflakes.
The interviewer was a Champ Thank You for the Video Sweetie. You did a Awesome Job!!!
My entire class made a life-size Papier-mâché donkey for a school play.
A plaque of the imprint of my hand and a scarf I crocheted.
What is your most memorable childhood craft project?
I can barely remember it, but it was making a sleigh ornament out of popsicle sticks in…oh, 2nd grade I think. My parents put it on the tree every year. I’m 47 now. I still have it.
I made a robot, we used to make a lot of crafts, I also liked making pot holders.
My most memorable childhood craft project was making paper mache piggy banks with balloons, newspaper, flour paste, acrylic paint, and mod podge. I still love doing it!
I remember making jewelry from dried glue & nailpolish. I won a 4-H ribbon for my unique jewelry too.
I would say a volcano that erupted.
My most memorable childhood craft project is making a paper-mache Donkey Pinata in the 3rd grade for a presentation on Mexico.
hand painted egg (real) shell
My most memorable projects always included Lincoln Logs, blocks and Tinker Toys. Thank you for the giveaway!
Making cities and towns with Lincoln Logs and Legos. I also make my mom a card that she kept.
Plastic canvas houses.
Eating all the popsicle’s off the Popsicle sticks so we could do crafts is probably the best memory I have as a kid. It was a 2 in one project for me lol. Desert and fun! What a week and then a weekend afternoon project.
My most memorable childhood project was making candy trains and shredded wheat wreath ornaments for Christmas!
We made birch barck candles and sold them at our lemonade stand in the summer
I would cut and sew barbie clothes 🙂 That was my favorite craft.