Mega Giveaway Day 88 – Baba Yaga Game

Isn’t this such a magical promotion? Prize after prize after prize for 88 days… so far. Cast a spell and we’ll make it even more days! Okay, no casting required since we already have more games lined up. Use your skills of giveaway entry for a chance to win a spellbound card game! If you checked out our list of card games then you are already familiar with Baba Yaga from Gamewright.
Visit Gamewright to check out their variety of games and visit them on Facebook or Twitter to let them know what your favorite titles are.
Come back tomorrow to enter again and increase your chances of winning in this and all our other giveaways?
A Unicorn
a genie to give me 3 wishes!
I would summon the spirit of winning sweepstakes
A genie so i could get three wishes
I would summon a dragon. They are very intelligent creatures, and I’m positive that my students would work with more engagement if my TA could breath fire if necessary. Plus, I wouldn’t have to worry about rush hour traffic on my commute!
leprechaun – a helper and a drinking buddy
Superman to fly me away.
I would summon a genie.
I would summon Pegasus for flight, as driving is expensive, time-consuming and can be deadly. This assumes I’d be strapped into the reins firmly, so as not to fall from the sky!
I would summon thousands of dogs! Who doesn’t love doooooogs?!
A Dragon!
An incubus would help 😛
A friendly griffon.
A psychic Pokemon…telekinesis is awesome
A genie to grant me three wishes.
I would summon a fire breathing dragon to eliminate all the people who annoy me.
i would summon a dragon who was fiercely loyal
A dragon
a unicorn!
I would summon a dragon because they can fly and breathe fire.
A tree ent
A genie to give me 3 wishes.
I would summon a dragon!
I think I would summon a Genie….and word my wished VERY carefully!!
I assume the enchantment makes the summoned creature friendly to you, or takes commands from you, and if that assumption is correct then I would either summon a beholder, or a manticore. I guess it would depend on the situation as to which I would call. If I had to only pick one, I think I’d pick the beholder… wait. I’d pick the manticore, at least in downtime of not fighting things I could pet it 😀