Plan a Mother-Daughter Spa Day

Working from home has its advantages: Short commute, no dress code and a flexible schedule. Unfortunately, the flexible schedule is also one of the biggest disadvantages to working from home. Unless you are extremely disciplined, which I’m not, having a dedicated punch-out time isn’t likely. There is always work to be done and it isn’t uncommon for me to work late into the evenings. I often find myself telling the girls “I need to get this done.” “Maybe later, I have work to do.” “Sorry, honey, but I need to finish this first.” I can’t tell you how sad it makes me when I see them walk away feeling dejected.
This time, I decided to use work as an excuse to have some mother-daughter quality time. We set aside some time for an at-home spa treatment. The original plan was for each of us to apply a mud mask, paint our toes then lounge on the bed reading books together until it was time to wash the mask off.
I gathered all the items together: a book for each of us to read, nail polish, music, Epicuren Chai Soy Mud Mask and some hand towels.
The directions on the mud mask say to apply a thin layer to a clean face. We each took showers then threw on some comfy clothes before applying. The mask applied easy enough that we were each able to put our own on. Miss M was having fun pretending to be Hulk or a zombie. Aside from the fun factor, this is one of those times where a colored product really helped out – it was easy to see what places on our face we missed. I used that opportunity to discuss how well the girls wash their face daily. Did they miss the same spots normally?
Despite a busy schedule, I enjoy sitting and reading with the girls. Sometimes we’ll sit together before bedtime and each read our own books. Miss M started reading the Hunger Games series after watching the first movie and it has been fun to discuss that with her. Miss K, on the other hand, ended up with a new book by accident. As we were getting ready to head out of town to a track meet, I grabbed one of James Patterson’s Middle School series books from the counter for her to read in the car. Unfortunately it wasn’t the one she had set out to take. Fortunately, it was one she discovered she enjoyed!
Remember how I said our “original plan” was to sit down and paint nails? Well, I have a confession to make. While setting everything up ahead of time, I biffed a bottle on the bathroom floor. After cleaning that up, I wasn’t much in the mood for inhaling any more nail polish fumes. I told the girls we were going to have to postpone that part until a different day. Besides, 20 minutes (the approximate amount of time it would take for the mask to dry) was a perfect amount of time for quality reading.
After the mask had sufficiently dried we all took turns rinsing it off. I was curious whether the green mask would stain the hand towels so I intentionally used white ones. After a normal washing, you couldn’t see even a speck of green. No staining… that’s good.
When we were done, I asked the girls how their skin felt and they said they loved it. Miss K asked if she could use it all the time but I explained the package says “may be used one time per week.” She said that’s how often she wants to use it then. Miss M said she enjoyed the family time together and peacefulness. With respect to the product’s effectiveness on adolescent skin, she said “I think it helped a lot.”
Not only did this provide a great bonding experience with my girls but it also worked really well. Personally, I was surprised how soft it made my skin feel. I’ve used various peels, masks and other products before but I don’t always notice a difference. This time I certainly did.
If you’re ready for a mini spa experience in your home, grab a book, some nail polish and order some Epicuren Chai Soy Mud Mask on Amazon for just under $26.
For more information on Epicuren products, visit Skin Care By Alana. You can also connect with them on Twitter and Facebook.
What is your favorite at-home spa treatment?
I absolutely LOVE spa days. Now that my girls are grown and out on their own, our home spa days are limited and my son (only one left at home) doesn’t really enjoy doing the whole ‘mud’ thing (unless it involves 4-wheelers) LOL!
We have created wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. So great to see that you’re doing this with your girls! Work can wait, but the girls can’t because they grow up way too fast!
Thanks for the post and I love the pictures 🙂
Thanks, Kelli! That’s awesome to hear that the memories of your mother-daughter spa days still linger. I plan to do this type of thing more often with the girls. It was a good excuse to just hang out together.
I need to do a mother-daughter spa day with my tween girl. Time goes by so fast, its nice to be able to make these kind of memories with them.
I have two teen daughters that are driving me nuts right now. Nothing to do but mope and read their phones. I think we may just need a break from the monotony and have a girls spa day. Great suggestion!
I have frightened several people over the years walking out of my bathroom with various colored “masks”–but they surely do help your skin. This one sounds like I should try it. I also love that your girls love to read!!
The kids so appreciate the time spent with them doing the “one on one” things.. I know my daughter really enjoys going on dates with me or my wife.. My son like when we play video games with him.. they really do appreciate the alone time..
That mask is cool. And it looks like it was fun applying it too. 🙂
I agree w/the pros and cons of working from home. $ is a plus for those who make it, I just can’t get it coming in steady enough though and am going to have to take my feet back to the high heels. I know the right mask to use to get my face work-ready now too. 🙂
I am not a disciplined person either and can get side tracked very easily. I am with Miss K, I love a mud mask and could use it all the time. …. I know, I know…. Once a week!
Love it! I’ll have to do this with my daughter – she’d love to have green goop on her face and I’m sure our son would get a kick out watching us and maybe he’d join us. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
I love this post! When my daughter was young, we used to do things like this all of the time. Times like this will be the times your daughters remember. You are a great Mom and doing your best to provide! Fun times like this make the work all worth it!
Remembering to take time out to spend time with our kids is so very important. We need these quality interactions in order to have the warm and loving relationship with our children that we are meant to.