Family Bonding By the Microwave

I have fond memories of things we did as a family when I was growing up. My folks coached me on the baseball then softball team along with both my brothers. We spent many summers perpetually at ball games. We didn’t take a lot of family outings but we had great family time at home. Whether it was going to a drive-in movie, having a pig roast to celebrate a wedding, graduation or other event for our huge extended family, or roasting marshmallows over a bonfire.
No matter what it was, family time was bonding time.
With kids of my own, I try to find things for us to do to bond. They’re involved in sports and other activities so we’re constantly on the go so quality time often involves family movie night, game night or a bike ride or walk around the neighborhood. We have new neighbors so we’ve enjoyed spending some time hanging out with them, also.
When I received a care package of goodies to make S’Mores, I talked to the neighbor and asked if they would like to join us for S’Mores. She agreed and we discussed it off and on trying to coordinate schedules. Well, between our travels, their travels and the burn ban imposed due to the drought, we never had a chance to enjoy the neighborhood S’Mores bonding experience. She, too, has the supplies to make some and has been waiting for an opportunity also!
So here we are, on the eve of my departure for BlogHer and I decided to make S’Mores with my girls. I won’t see them for almost an entire week. I’m having a difficult time with it and I get teary just thinking about it. But they gladly helped me prepare the snack.
We’re still experiencing a major drought here so a HERSHEY’S CAMP BONDFIRE was absolutely out of the question. Instead, we bonded by the microwave.
The funny thing is that this isn’t the first time this summer the girls had S’Mores. They participate in the summer park program where activities are scheduled weekly. A few weeks ago, S’Mores were on the schedule and the girls insisted on attending! Of course, why wouldn’t they? It was S’Mores day!
When the arrived, I snapped a few pictures and asked the counselors how they prepared the S’Mores. They said they add the marshmallows without toasting them. We discussed how the local Y did outdoor S’Mores a few years ago using a cardboard box and tinfoil. They said they would look into that for next time.
S’Mores are one of those things that everyone can easily fall in love with. If you haven’t had one lately, go pick up the supplies – it’s a whopping 3 items – and make some with your family or friends. You won’t regret it.