Kung Fu Breakfast for You

Has your summer been simply blowing by? While summer should grant us with tons of opportunities to hang out, be lazy, enjoy family and spend quality time with the kids, somehow the sheer fact that we have kids prevents that from happening!
Swim lessons during the week, swim meets during the weekend. Y workout (the kids have a summer program there that they love so it works out great), park program in the afternoon. Hip hop class one night a week, gymnastics one morning a week. There simply isn’t any time to do anything!
We literally scheduled our summer trip to see grammy only a few days before we actually left. I have two part time jobs with flexible schedules but seriously, it’s just crazy. I’m not sure how parents with full-time jobs manage to find any time with their families!
So with our crazy schedule, it’s tough to find time to really do much. Hitting a movie is always a winner but when that can’t happen, we pop up a bowl of popcorn and cozy up on the couch as a family. We love family animated films because – although focused for kids – are still entertaining for parents.
Kung Fu Panda is a perfect example of that. I’ve watched it a few times and still enjoy it. And thanks to a promotion from MyBlogSpark, I have my very own copy to continue to enjoy as many times as I want!
They shipped me a prize pack that included Kung Fu Panda, Golden Grahams and the toy from the Golden Grahams box. What a total hit of a package! For reference, Golden Grahams don’t last long around this house… they’re one of those cereals that my husband and I both enjoy as much (if not more) than the kids do! I’m perfectly happy sitting and eating it by the handful. (Don’t judge! You know you do it too!)
They’ve also given me an extra pack to give away. Here’s the deal though… this is a fast contest. It will be open for ONLY ONE DAY! Here are the details:
The Prize: Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda prize pack (includes one box of a participating Big G cereal, a Kung Fu Panda 2 spin fighter toy and the original Kung Fu Panda movie)
Participants –
…must provide a US shipping address
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile.
Sometime on July 12, 2011, a winner will be chosen at random from all valid comments left. Winner has 12 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the next random selection.
How to enter: <GIVEAWAY CLOSED>
Big G cereals are a staple in our household and always have been. Be sure to check out General Mills’ social media to find out the latest news on Big G cereals and other General Mills products!
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Ohhh I subscribed by email and my favorite cereal is Golden Grahams!!! Love it!!
Oh and of course Po is our favorite character, he is so funny!!
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Cheerios…hands down!
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cheerios and we love po!
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email subscriber… we tried Brownie Crunch Cocoa Puffs and are HOOOOKED!!
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We like Kix and Po is our favorite character brittley13 @ hotmail .com
Subscribed via email- my kids LOVE Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a box doesn't last long around here, and we love PO of course!
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Good Ole regular Cheerios is a winner in our family, especially since we have a diabetic. And Kung FU Panda is our favorite character.
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I subscribe by email. My favorite General Mills cereal is Fiber One variety.
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lucky charms and tigress
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My favorite General Mills cereal is Cheerios and I like Po.
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I subscribe by email, we love Cocoa Puffs, and our favorite is Po!
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Cocoa puffs win in our house and we like tigeris
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We love Golden Grahams and Po!
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I subscribed to your email list and we LOVE Honey Nut Chex!!
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We like Honey Nut Cheerios and Cocoa Puffs and our favorite character is Po. I subscribed to through email with kfletch005@gmail.com. My address is 45 Pleasant St. West Fork, AR 72774
I follow you on twitter, facebook and and our family loves golden grahams. my favorite chracters in kungfu panda is Po
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I have the main entry, subscribed via emails, cookie crisp and Po is my sons favorite.
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Treinheimer86@gmail.com we like Golden Grahms cereal
Low entry contest for a Kung Fu Panda DVD and a Big G cereal! http://t.co/MG3wdtM #myblogspark".
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I'm a pretty savvy shopper, but did not realize how many products are in the GM family of foods. will need to friend them on FB and The Twitter.
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diannaray (a) live.com
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Cookie Crisp… subscribe for email… Cindi_asquith@hotmail.com
my fav character which is Po! Like SAHM Reviews on FB!
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I liked SAHM reviews on facebook. I also subscribed to SAHM emails. I visited General Mills website to check out the coupon section and found some great links! Fav cereal in our house is Golden Grahams. Great for smores recipes!
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Honey Nut Cheerios is our fave and fav character is Master Viper
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I am an email subscriber. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
Golden Grahams are a favorite in this household. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com