Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Calendar of Many Adventures 2024 by Loke Battle Mats

I spent years investing time into personalizing calendars for family members. Only my mother-in-law whom I inherited the tradition from realized how time-intensive each gift was. I would seek out the perfect themed calendar for each family then add birthdays, anniversaries, special events and meaningful dates and decorate each to ensure they weren’t missed. I was sad when I hit a point of no longer creating them, but it meant a lot to me while it lasted. If I was still creating those, I can think of several people who would be recipients of the Calendar of Many Adventures from Loke Battle Mats. They’re calendars that serve as the board for a new game every month and were a perfect addition to our guide filled with gifts for teens and adults. We encourage you to pick one up for the gamer on your shopping list then enter to win one for yourself!
Holiday Giveaway 2023 – Calendar of Many Adventures 2024
We are very familiar with this type of game, so we would go straight to it
I would play right away
I haven’t played an RPG for many years. We all have moved and no longer live near one another. Being familiar with them though, I would think I could get this to the table with my current game group rather quickly.
I’m sure I can figure it out. I’d play right away!
We don’t live near a store, but I’m sure we could figure it out!
I’m sure I can figure it out.
I’m very familiar with RPG’s but I would probably have to teach my family and/or friends how to play.
I’ve visited with my kids but not to learn how to play, but to buy Pokemon cards.
I haven’t visited a local store yet. I’m sure when my nephew comes over he can show me how to play it
I think I could figure it out! I’d play right away!