Holiday Giveaways 2022 – Indoor/Outdoor Dual Bluetooth Speakers by iLive

A lot of our gift guides focus around games because that’s something we’re passionate about and feature often on this site. But we also have connections to other products such as household items, fitness gear, kitchen appliances and more.
Today’s giveaway is something that was in our Home & Electronics gift guide: Indoor/Outdoor Dual Bluetooth Speakers from iLive. If you’re interested in this gadget and think it would make a great gift, order it from their website to get it in time for the holidays. As with the others, this giveaway will run for 30 days and we’ll draw the winner based on entries from the form below. Good luck!
Holiday Giveaway 2022 – Indoor/Outdoor Dual Bluetooth Speakers
I would be blasting my guns and roses music.
Def. some Luke Combs, some great country tunes
Christmas music!
Oh! I will be blasting U2, Guns & Roses, Bon Jovi……
I might sit down to play a dinosaur-themed game and listen to the Jurassic Park soundtrack.
I would play Glass Animals!
I would put on some rock music and trance
My Playlist is very eclectic, but we’ll start with Sound of Silence
Awesome giveaway thankd
Some rock n roll.
Christmas music!
Indie rock!
The first thing I would blast through the speakers would be some AC/DC tunes!
Chris Stapleton Tennesse Whiskey!
I will absolutely be blasting the Ramones. Gabba gabba hey!
Smooth Jazz!
The first thing I would play is “Down on It” by NIN to see if it picks up the low base.
Probably some Holiday music.
Right now we are going all in on Christmas music! Haha, if not we’ll a lot of songs for the kids right now!
These would be for my outdoor home tiki bar, so maybe Quiet Village: The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny.
Definitely some Bach
take 5
The Ramones
Xmas songs!
Ambient soundtracks for the board games we play
I’d play some Cody Johnson.
Queens of the Stone Age – 3’s & 7’s
Bruce Springstein.
Probably some old school Backstreet Boys or Nsync!
I would play some old school rock & roll.r
I have a new bluetooth turn table. I have Now that’s what I call a decade 80’s vinyls to blast!
Definitely Queen!
My daily playlist. I will subject my siblings to my music.
I’ll be blasting some Kid Rock!