Holiday Giveaways 2022 – Oversight by Griddly Games

It’s been a number of years since we first came across Oversight. The girls met and interviewed the designer, played the game, got it autographed and became instant fans. That longstanding interest is why we consider Oversight a modern classic and included it in our tips for gifting classic games.
While we can’t say it will be autographed like ours, Griddly Games is providing a copy of Oversight for this giveaway. One of you will win it and hopefully become long-term fans also.
I would say anime in general, it wasn’t something I really got into before, but after meeting my boyfriend I have been enjoying it!
I became a soccer fan because my sons played.
I became a die-hard music (of all genres) after my parents had me take piano lessons!
I’ve become a fan of Willie Nelson, Walen Jennings and Johnny Cash because my husband listens to their music. It grew on me!
I corrupted–or converted, depending on how you look at it–into such a geek that our trip to ComicCon was HER idea 😀
Somehow “my wife” got deleted from that comment lol
I became a fan of the American fiction writer Jonathan Carroll because my wife loves his books.
My friends were in a local band and I started listening to them and going to their concerts! It was pretty nice at that time. I always thought they weren’t that good, but it was still fun to live the moment with them.
I have a love of antiques because my dad does.
I’ve become a Kansas City Chiefs fan because Patrick Mahomes went to Texas Tech
I became a fan of collecting things because of a few of my friends.
My husband took me to a William Shatner show in Branson a few years ago. Now Shatner seems to show up everywhere in things we watch and listen to!