Holiday Giveaways 2021 – Super Mega Lucky Box by Gamewright

This morning we launched our Family Games Gift Guide (part 1), the first of several lists of gift ideas for our readers. As many of you know, we go big for our annual holiday promotion and this year is no different! Not only have we committed hours (like, LOTS of hours) to preparing multiple holiday gift guides filled with suggestions of toys, games, stocking stuffers, electronics and other household items, but we’ve also secured several giveaways! You’ll be able to enter giveaways every day until the end of the year and in many cases, two a day. Plus, we’ll have options for you to return to the website for daily entries on prior giveaways. So if there’s something you REALLY have your heart set on then come back and up your odds! With all that said… the holiday giveaways start now!
We decided that a game called Super Mega Lucky Box would be a perfect prize to ring in the 2021 promotion. Thanks to Gamewright for sponsoring this giveaway! Be sure to swing by their social pages and drop them a note to let them know you saw their game listed here. (Pro tip: Engaging with our sponsors is a great way to encourage them to offer future promotions here!) While we would love for everyone to win the prize, we only have one to give away. So if you think this would make a great gift for someone, we encourage you to add it to your Amazon cart the next time you make a purchase. Then if you win, keep that one for yourself!
I won a via rail trip and treated my mom to a train trip to Edmonton.
So happy to see a new prize!
to start my life again!
Won a trip!
I won a car when I was in college.
hoping for a win 🙂
I found $60 in a parking lot! Was pretty pumped about that
Winning 3 trips within the span of 11 months, with the best one being a Disney Cruise to the Bahamas.
I won a set of dishes when i was young
I won a mattress. It came in a box and it took several hours to unfold and expand.
I hit 2 slot machine jackpots in one day about 8 years ago!
The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was becoming the mom to my two sons
When my sons were born .
Getting into the college of my choice.
My luckiest day will be when I will this giveaway!!!!
When I gave birth to my daughter.
Marrying my husband of 17 years!
My luckiest moment is when I met my wife! I never tell her, so.. I hope she sees this.
Having good friends and a healthy family
I”ve won quite a few of my nieces and nephews Christmas presents. It saves money
So many things! Just making it to this stage in life. Every day we are lucky! (Also, winning free games, which has happened a couple times!!)
I won an iPad once. I thought that was pretty lucky. 🙂
Same thing I said on Facebook, which is that I was born into a family that raised me Catholic, but it’s not really luck, but all part of God’s plan.
I won a copy of the game Calico once. I’m not super lucky.
I won 1,000 dollars
I won $150 on a lottery ticket. That was over 20 years ago but I always hope it will happen again.
The luckiest thing– I won a Kitchen-Aid mixer.
The best thing that ever happened to me was my stem cell transplant took!! The best thing that added years on to my life! Thank you Good Lored
I won $1600 on a slot machine once and used it to buy a big screen tv that would probably cost around $150 now. We had a lot of good years together.
Won an exclusive Gold PS4 from Taco Bell back in the day….
the luckiest thing – winning contests!
Won a somewhat big amount on a lottery once.
Looney Labs
The luckiest thing that has happened to me as of late is that no cancer was found when I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy performed on me earlier this year.