Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Aquatica Game by Arcane Wonders

I have a love/hate relationship with the memories on Facebook. It’s like a perpetual scrapbook that reminds me what I did on this day a year ago, two years ago… each year since I joined. I’ve recently seen a lot of pictures of our travels including our trip to Beaches in Turks & Caicos. I don’t expect we’ll be traveling any time soon so my deep sea dreams will have to be fulfilled by board games like Aquatica from Arcane Wonders. This game will be showing up on an upcoming list of gift ideas for holiday purchases. Dive in to the form for a chance to win a copy for yourself!
I have never been deep sea diving and I don’t plan on it. I have a major fear of swimming. I even avoid swimming pools. The only water I am comfortable with is the bathtub. lol
I got my scuba license 2 years ago in Cambodia! I didn’t get SUPER deep as a novice, but looking forward to more diving in my future!
No, but my parents have been scuba diving several times. Not sure if I want to try it or not!
I was in a small sub once when I visited hawaii
I would love to try scuba diving some day.
I am certified but I haven’t for a while.
I have not had that pleasure….
Never been diving, and you won’t ever get me into deep ocean water!
I have never been deep sea scuba diving I have only tried it out in a pool a few times.
No, never been deep sea diving or scuba diving of any kind.
i have never been deep sea diving, i would be too scared!
Never been any kind of diving. Shame really.
Never been any type of diving.
No, but would love to try it.
Never have, never will!
Deep sea diving? I can’t even swim!
I have never been diving .
Wearing glasses (& needing them) always put me off; but, wish now that I’d try anyway.
I’ve never been deep sea diving. Closest I’ve come was a week in junior high when they taught us how to scuba dive in the gym pool
I have never been deep sea diving.
I would to go deep sea diving
I’ve never been deep sea diving, but it sounds really cool and I’d like to some day.
I’ve never been deep sea driving before. Closest I ever got was winning scuba lessons. Unfortunately, I was only 14 at the time and the prize ended up going to someone else.
No, just snorkeling
I have never been deep sea diving, although I have had scuba lessons.
No, I’ve never been deep sea diving. I think it would be really cool, but I think I would be too afraid. Also, I’m not a very strong swimmer.
Nope, not been in the ocean more than a few times and those were by the beach.
No, I have never been deep sea diving.
I have never been deep sea diving.
Never been deep sea diving. Frankly sound terrifying.
Never have. And never will deep-sea dive.
Yes.. I am a registered PADI open water diver.
Yes, not not in a very, very long time.
I have never been deep sea diving.
Nope I haven’t
Don’t I wish I have been deep sea diving! The closest I’ve come is a nintendo wii game called endless ocean. LOL
No, I’ve never been deep sea diving. Too scared of what lurks below.
Never been deep sea diving 🙁
I don’t sea divce. That’s ScaRY!!
I have not done any deep sea diving but my husband used to scuba dive when he was younger.
No, but would love to try it.
i have not been able to deep sea dive
Never gone deep sea diving, but have done some open water scuba diving. It’s an awesome experience!
I have never been deep sea diving. Not entirely sure I would want to.