Pikmi Pops Lollipop Chase Game Giveaway

If you’re a fan of the popular Pikmi Pops toys then hopefully you spotted the board game (inspired by the toy) in our guide to games for younger kids this past holiday season. Pikmi Pops Lollipop Chase game from Pressman Toy is a must-have for anyone who loves the original toys.
You can pick up a copy of the game on Amazon if Santa ran out before delivering to your house. Otherwise, enter to win a copy from us! Don’t forget that you can come back each day for more entries to increase your chances of winning!
Tootsie pops are my favorite.
Tootsie pops and Caramel pops
I love cherry lollypops
dum dums
Tootsie Roll
I really like the caramel apple ones that show up around Halloween, but noting can replace a grape Tootsie Pop.
i really dont have one but when i was a kid i use to like tootsie pops and dumdums
I love drumstick lollies
When I was younger, I use to love astro pops.
My daughter and my favorite lollipops are dum dums. It was the item that actually really helped me when potty training! Thank you so much for this chance!
strawberry lollipops
I like the caramel & apple lollipops.
I love cherry lollipops.
I like charms blow pops
I like the flavor grape.