SlimyGloop Mix’Ems Craft Kit Giveaway

Kennedy has a fascination with making slime. She’s even used her own money to buy supplies because she finds it therapeutic to tinker with while working on her homework. She went nuts when she saw the SlimyGloop Mix’Ems from Horizon Group which is one of the reasons they earned a spot in our toy gift guide this past holiday season.
We’ve shared a variety of DIY crafts for kids, but this time we’re giving away a SlimyGloop Mix’Ems kit. Enter using the widget and come back daily for more entries!
My own
I like to have some craft kits to start with and then sometimes add to them or change things around.
I find a mix of both is best.
I like to make my own crafts.
It depends on the project – so I would say both.
I prefer to use a mix of both.
i like using both
I like using a mix of both.
I do both-sometimes I buy kits and sometimes I buy the supplies. It really depends on the project.
I have to have this fun slime!! 13 grandchildren would have a blast! Me too;
We like to use a mix of different things for our craft time.
Most of my crafting these days is related to miniature games….so that’s mostly from scratch for terrain, kits for the armies and heroes.
I like to do a mix of both
i like to use a mix of both when i do it
I use a mix of both.
I prefer a mix of both .
a mix of both