Thrift Treasure: Clash

It was a time of calculator watches and pre-internet personal computers. Ah, the 80’s – there will never be a greater decade. Ironic that during a time of transition from board games to computer games, companies like Pressman were still cranking out new titles. Our latest Thrift Treasure was released one time only, and smack dab in the middle of the decade (1986). While it doesn’t hold a candle to today’s games, it still provides some simple and quick strategy game play at a Goodwill cost of only $1.88!
Clash tried to capitalize on the technology growth of digital electronics by applying an LCD typeface to the numbers. And while it helps date the game to a specific era, it doesn’t play into the mechanics at all.
But that’s fine, because Clash isn’t meant to be a deep thinker. It stands on its own as a quick (15 minutes) abstract strategy game that can be played by all ages.
Each player begins with their seven pieces numbered 1-7 in order on their side of the board. The main objective is to get all of your pieces onto the other side before your opponent does the same.
Each piece can move in any direction (except diagonally) for any number of spaces until it runs into another piece or one of the many blockades cast into the board.
At some point four pieces will land in a square formation, and this is when a “Clash” occurs! Each player sums up the total of their pieces involved in the Clash with the highest being the winner. The winner then gets to move one of the other’s pieces (from the Clash) to anywhere on the board and move one of their own pieces (also involved in the clash) into the vacated spot. While the rules never clarified, we assumed that if it were a tie, nothing happens.
Players take turns moving and resolving clashes until one player either gets all of their pieces to the other side OR someone is able to ‘capture’ the other’s “7” piece in a clash. If you lose a clash where your seven is involved, you automatically lose the game. So while it is the most powerful piece number-wise, it is also vulnerable overall as it could cause you to lose the game.
As I previously mentioned, Pressman only issued this game one time in 1986 and it hasn’t been remade since. You can find copies for sale regularly on eBay, but your best bet is to keep your eyes open at your local thrift store or yard sale. For a buck or two it will provide a few hours of enjoyment – a much better value than other options!
Definitely looks like an 80’s game! Great find!
No one today can make games like that happen 🙂
Sounds easy enough to play…and even gets kids working on a bit of math!
I don’t remember seeing that game back then. It sounds like it’s sort of a numeric variation of chess, in that there’s a battle and you must strategize.
I love all the games that you show on your blog…love it.. Thanks for sharing
Wow. I just got punched in the face by 1983! This looks awesome!
There are some seriously great games that came out of the 80’s. This looks like a treasure indeed!
I grew up in the 80s and I used to love this game. I’m sure my kids will love this.
What a blast from the past! We love finding games at thrift stores, that’s the first thing my husband always looks for!
Cool looking game.
I have never seen this game before. I grew up and graduated in the 80’s. Board games were very popular during that time. families would have game nights. Where they played board games together.
I have never seen that game before, but I would love to find it to play at the cabin. Sounds like fun.
I’ve been donating a lot to Goodwill recently as my elderly mother in law downsizes (with a lot of help from my spouse and me). I never thought of checking out the games – that’s a nice find. I can even see an educational component in this. Ah, the 1980’s!
Woah! Very cool!
I looked at the pic and thought, that reminds me of some of the games I played back in the 80s. Sure enough…
Thanks for the great memories. 😀
Nice Review of a classic looking game