10 D.o.T.G. – Snowball Fight

We’ve found so many great games at yard sales and thrift stores this summer that we decided to show you more than the typical one per week! For the next 10 days we’ll introduce you to a Thrift Treasure that you’ve probably never seen or heard of before. For our seventh feature, we bring you Snowball Fight by S&S Innovations.
I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t wait for Winter to end. This year was particularly harsh for those of us that don’t speak with a drawl. About the only good thing about having extra snow was the massive snowball fights that could be had at the drop of a hat. Now that Summer has finally arrived we have to wait to be able to enjoy an iceball to the face. Or do we?! Today’s thrift find is another limited distribution game from a small distributor in West Des Moines, Iowa, uncreatively named “Snowball Fight”.
We probably would have never found this game hadn’t we stopped by a Goodwill Outlet in Des Moines after a track meet. This is the place that games go when no one buys them at the retail store and are sold by the pound. Snowball Fight probably ran us around 50 cents, but fortunately not only was it complete, the shrink wrap was still on the cards!
Snowball Fight is a modified game of War played with a custom deck of cards that represent offensive and defensive actions. You hold six cards in your hand and try to “hit” other players with your virtual snowball by playing a blue (offensive) card.
You announce your intended target (another player) and they have the opportunity to play a defensive action to reduce your chances of hitting them. A roll of the included die determines your success or failure. Hit and add points to your opponents tally. Miss and move on to the next player.
After a bit of play, I found myself being targeted by all of the other players since I was in the lead. At first I considered it unfair to gang up on one person, then I realized that is exactly what happens in a real snowball fight. Usually one person has a better aim, and everyone who has been subject to his throws rally together to take him down. I guess it was fair play after all!
Any time a player totals 30 or more points, they are eliminated. Play continues until only one person if left standing. Some strategy is necessary due to the different types of attacks and defenses, and would be a great introduction for younger players with an interest in strategy war games.
We found a few copies for sale on eBay with varying prices, but Snowball Fight appears to be no longer made. Fortunately those on eBay appear to be in great condition, but I’d pass on any listed above $10 as you can probably find them cheaper if you’re willing to wait it out. Or just wait until December and have a real snowball fight of your own!
This is a great game for staying indoors during the cold weather months. Hopefully, we won’t see as much snow and ice in New York City as we did last year.
How fun.. another great board game and it looks like the entire family enjoyed it. This time of the year it’s so hot in Florida and we do a lot of indoor activities, so this would be great. Thanks for sharing, maybe I get lucky on my next yard sale adventures…
What a fun game. I can see playing this at a Frozen themed party.
Great review Scott! Thank you for sharing 🙂 Shared for you
This is a different kind of game. Unique in concept. Looks like the kiddies enjoyed it and that’s the main thing, right?
This looks like a fab game, enjoy!
Wow.. I think I’m inlove with the game. I hope I can find it on our local stores. Thank you for the great idea!
Fun! I love complex games, the more strategy or cunning needed to succeed the better, but I also love a good simple and clever game that large groups or young family members can easily enjoy. My daughter is only two, so we don’t play board or card games with her yet, but we’re really looking forward to it! Thanks for writing this series – it never occurred to me to review older games, but you’ve definitely inspired me with this series. One post a week, based solely out of our current game cupboard, and I already have material for an entire year! #lol
Glad you found inspiration in it! It sure is fun documenting our kids’ progression from simpler games to ones with deep strategy. We’re in the middle of a board game renaissance and there is so much good stuff out there beyond Scrabble and Monopoly. We too have enough to keep us busy for a year or two just from the ones we’ve found at our local thrift stores!
We’re definitely in the middle of a “board game renaissance” – excellent metaphor! We own a few traditional games, but most of ours are hobby games.
I love that you found another cool thrift game! Your kids must seriously love games!
While people may gang up in a real snowball fight, it probably isn’t fair, haha. This sounds like a game the children would love just for that aspect alone!
Love this review! Since we dont have snow in Chicago we cant have a real snowball fight! I will have to check the thrift stores near us and then go to ebay if I need to. Thanks so much!
Another interesting game I haven’t seen before! How do you do it! I bet this would be great for travel, it looks like it doesn’t take up much room.