Shop, Clip and Share for Your School

When I was growing up, I remember the battle we had between who got to tear off the top to the cereal box and at what point. At the time, by turning in the entire top to the cereal box, we helped our school get things like playground or gym equipment. There was a box in the classroom that we dropped them into and it was always such a joy to feel like we were contributing.
What I’m referring to is the Boxtops 4 Education program and today, my daughters have the same thrill of collecting. Whether it was the same program then or not, I don’t know. Doesn’t matter… the concept was the same. And the funny thing is that the feeling is the same for my daughters. They’re total label-readers now. As in – “Hey, this one has box tops!” They know the drill though – the box tops stay on the box (or can or whatever) until it is ready to recycle then they all go into one bag where they are divided equally once a month.
The cool thing is that box tops aren’t just on cereal any more. They’re on all kinds of things – baking products, produce, school supplies, beverages, water filtration products, paper supplies. This list is huge!
This year, as you prep for school to start and stock your pantry with all-things-lunchbox, keep an eye out at Sam’s Club for packages that contain 6 bonus boxtops. Instead of just one, you get multiple. (and if you have more than one kid, that’s soooo important!)
To aid you in your box top quest, I’m offering a $25 Sam’s Club gift card thanks to General Mills and MyBlogSpark. It’s so easy to play along, too, so please do!
The Prize: $25 Sam’s Club Gift Card
Participants –
…must provide a US shipping address (Void where prohibited, must be 18 years old to enter)
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile.
Sometime on September 2, 2011, a winner will be chosen at random from all valid comments left. Winner has 24 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the next random selection. (Edit: This giveaway is closed pending response of winner: Tabathia, Comment #23 via Research Randomizer. Runner-up is comment #22 if winner does not respond within designated time frame.)
How to enter: <GIVEAWAY CLOSED>
For more information, follow General Mills or Sam’s Club on Twitter, Sam’s Club on Facebook or General Mills on YouTube or subscribe to the General Mills blog!
We’re regular Sam’s Club shoppers but we’re always amazed at the growing list of products that participate in the Boxtops4Education program and we’re thrilled that Sam’s partners to bring bonus box tops each year!
OK, I subscribe already to the SAHM RSS and email and followon twitter, I "liked" qponrs, sam's and general mills on face book, subscribed to gm and sam's on twitter as well as qponrs. how many does that get me? and how else can i get entries? i lost myself! oh, i also tweeted the contest!
~Jeanne Hammer
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Jeanne Hammer
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Jeanne Hammer
Now I subscribe to SAHM reviews on you tube. I'm rockin'!
OK, that last one, #12, was me, Jeanne Hammer
Tweeted the contest again!!
Jeanne Hammer
rss feed subscriber and I would buy nature valley bars if I won from sams and I didn't know that Hanes participated in box tops
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
twitter follower & tweeted!/ChelleB36/status/108710423628484608
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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com!/ChelleB36/status/109078489054973952
Tweeted again.
Jeanne Hammer!/ChelleB36/status/109427038460448769
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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I didn't know Land O Lakes Spreadable Butter was included!
I would buy Ziplock Sandwich Baggies from Sam's.
Already Twitter follower and here's the tweet:!/TheGunnySack/status/109488471525175296
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