Holiday Giveaways 2023 – Amalfi Renaissance Prize Package by R&R Games
When you think of some brands, your mind probably goes straight to some of their best known products. When we think of R&R Games, we get a case of whiplash because they have a wealth of hit card, family or party games like Times Up on one hand. Then on the other hand they have a lot of really rich strategy games. Amalfi Renaissance, recently seen on our list of games to gift teens and adults, is one of the latter. We appreciate R&R Games for generously offering an Amalfi Renaissance prize package for one of our readers. Get the details on the prize and how to enter by using the form below!
Holiday Giveaway 2023 – Amalfi Renaissance Prize Package
I love Hanabi, so I think it makes a great stocking stuffer
It’s definitely this one: Almalfi Renaissance, because Tony Boydell has been raving about it on his blog, and that’s a good enough endorsement for me!
I’d like to get Outback and Hanabi Deluxe II for my grandchildren.
Can I be on my own Christmas list? If so, I would say Rajas of the Ganges. If not, I would say Time’s Up for my aunt & uncle. Our family goes to their home for holidays and this would be a great game for the family.
Pants on fire, Birds, Bug and beans, Covert Action
Mystic paths looked fun
Hanabi deluxe would be great
My niece will have fun playing Gobble Stones!
Hide and Seek Safari Monkey looks like one my grands would enjoy, even though I’d like to have them all!
Oooo Hanabi would be a good gift.
nice game
Disorder, Hanabi and In or Out I can think of people that would love these!
Hanabi Deluxe is on my list!
Pants on fire looks like a great game to play with family.
Time’s Up! – Title Recall would be a great gift for everyone on my list.
Hanabi would be a great gift.
Gobble Stones and Title Recall look the most fun.
I would love to gift Outback and The Table Is Lava.