Holiday Giveaways 2020 – Bye, Felicia! Game by Big G Creative

I’ve heard the phrase, “Bye, Felicia!” so many times and have always thought of its origin and the memes. When I hear it now, I think of the party game from Big G Creative! You’ll see this game mentioned in our upcoming guide to party games, but first we have other news! One of our readers will win the copy that we’re giving away. Before you say, “Bye” take a few minutes to enter the giveaway! There are several ways to enter and the more you do, the better your odds of winning. Come back daily for more chances, too. Can’t wait to win a copy? Pick up Bye, Felicia at Target!
“You’re my bae”
“24/7” is a pop culture catchphrase.
“GOAT” means Greatest of All Time in our culture. In many other cultures, it refers to an animal.
“Okay, Karen.” I feel bad for the people who actually have this name….
Yadda , Yadda , Yadda .
Ok Boomer is one I am tired of hearing.
“You’re killin’ me smalls!” from Sandlot. I say that all the time and see it on shirts a lot.
Blah, blah, blah
Where’s the Beef?
Okay Karen
Ok Boomer
sksksksk and I oop
Blah, blah, blah