Mega Giveaway Day 144 – Teach My Yoga Mat Set

Several years ago the girls participated in a variety of youth programs at the local Y. Sometimes they would do something like dodge ball and other times participate in yoga. They often spoke about how relaxing it was and as a result would gravitate toward games on the WiiFit that would replicate that program. I had always considered yoga a fitness and health program for adults, but there are a lot of advantages to kids learning how to relax and center themselves. When we put together a holiday list of gifts for preschoolers, Teach My Yoga Mat Set – Fish and Learn Toy was one of our suggestions. Learn more about products from Teach My then chill as you enter to win this latest prize in our 150+ Days of Giveaways!
The benefits kids will get from learning yoga are coordination, flexibility, relaxation, some physical health help and mental growth from learning something new.
I think it is good for their bodies as well as teaching them how to stay calm and focused.
Many kids like my son are physical learners. They learn through play and doing. I need to consider getting some of the sets offered to teach my son this coming year.
I think they learn to focus and to concentrate by doing yoga
Sports will freshen kids mind to learn more
Learning control of their body and focus on things. Along with relaxing the body.
Other than just the physical aspect, it can help them learn good methods to de-stress and/or anger management.
Balance, hand/eye coordination, patience, calming techniques
It would help them to learn patience, concentration, both physical and mental balance, as well as increasing their physical flexibility, etc.
It will help them physically and mentally.
It will teach them the word “yoga” is not affiliated with Star Wars or a bear.
My 2 daughters would benefit from the ABCs, 123’s, Colors and Shapes on the mat.
I think it will help them learn how to be calm.