New Game Release – Festival


Randolph / Hachette Boardgames USA has released Festival, a game where you put on a spectacular fireworks display to make your city the envy of the world, into retail this quarter.

The great cities of the world are challenging each other to present the most beautiful festival imaginable. The closing fireworks ceremony, held in all cities, will be the final rose in the crown of the festivities.

In Festival, you select tiles to place on your tableau to create the most impressive and beautiful fireworks display possible…and of course, score the most points! This tile-placement and tile-stacking game will have you choosing to either take and place a firework tile on your turn, or select an objective card to complete for points at game’s end.

Festival is for two to four players, ages eight and up, and plays in around twenty minutes. It retails for only $19.99!

Hachette also previously released Now! (see “Now! card game“).  

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