Mega Giveaway Day 114 – Voodoo Game

There’s one thing I know about party games and it’s that sometimes rules get ignored when they become annoying. Our Mega giveaway Day 114 prize is Voodoo by Mayday Games. We featured it in our list of games for elementary and tweens because it’s one of those party games that has opponents doing things like running around the table each turn or playing the entire game with only one hand based on what spells you cast. What is different is that in Voodoo you’ll get points if they stop doing it so casting ridiculous spells is to your benefit!
Abracadabra! We’re casting a spell to make you want to win this prize!
I’d cast a spell of good sportsmanship, because the main goal of all games is to have fun, the secondary goal is winning.
They’d be handing me over all of their vacation time!~
I would cast a spell to disarm any guys used for violence.
Wingardium Leviosa. Makes things levitate. Sounds fun to do to someone
a silencing spell
I would be able to freeze people in time as my magic ability.
The truth spell of course
Spell to fly
No messing around – fireball!
I would turn them into toads.
I would use my freezing spell on my opponents and render them and their magic useless in the face of my magnificence!
mind control
I would make them tell the truth about what they were doing.
To lose a turn!
A binding spell.
Probably make them play the whole game with 1 eye closed/covered
I would cast a spell and make them do the dishes!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Ahem, I mean… probably have to stand up.
I would make them squat and hop.