New Game Release – Circus Flohcati

Circus Flohcati
Circus Flohcati

25th Century Games has released Circus Flohcati, a card game where players collect acts from the flea circus to score points, into retail.

The game contains ten types (colors) of acts, with acts being valued from 0-7 points. On a turn, you can choose one of the face-up cards on the table and add that to your hand. Or, flip the top card from the deck and add it to the cards on display. If you flip an action card, you must take that action.

If you flip a card of the same color as any face-up card, then you instead discard the newly revealed card, and your turn ends with you getting nothing. Otherwise, you again face the same options. Collect a face-up card or reveal a new card.

If on your turn you have three cards of the same value in hand, you can play this trio on the table for a guaranteed ten points. The game ends either when someone reveals that they have all ten acts in hand or when the deck runs out. You score only for the highest-valued act of each color, so either avoid taking duplicate colors or ditch them in trios. If you have all ten acts in hand, score a 10-point “gala show” bonus!

Circus Flohcati is for two to five players, ages eight and up, and plays in around twenty minutes. It retails for only $14.99!

25th Century Games also previously released Jalape-NO! (see “Jalape-NO! card game“).  

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