Piece Through the Day with Disney Villainous Jigsaw Puzzles

I knew my sentimental pack rat habits would come in handy one day. When the orders to stay home came out, I knew we had reached that point in time. While I had donated a large number of puzzles to the nearby senior home, I still had a mixture of some of my childhood favorites. In addition, Scott had several round puzzles he had picked up along the way.
As luck would have it, during our last trip to the thrift store prior to such non-essential stores closing, we found a couple of Ravensburger puzzles. I have to admit that puzzles are one of those things that we never purchase at thrift, but we’ve learned that people who own Ravensburger puzzles are pretty good about taking care of them so we decided to take a chance and purchase them. I’m glad we did because they burned up a couple days of our quarantine. As luck would have it, my marketing contact with their company had reached out to me earlier this year regarding some of their upcoming promotions so I decided to take her up on the offer to check out a few of their new puzzles. I said I didn’t care what she sent as long as it wasn’t too easy and while I awaited their arrival, I spent a few days putting together puzzles on Ravensburger’s digital puzzle page where I could select a picture, change the size and even allow others to help.
She sent me three puzzles from their Disney Villainous line. Perhaps it’s because she knows I love Disney, in general. More likely it’s because I’ve raved about their Disney Villainous board game on more than one occasion.
This quarantine has been quite an experience in patience, cooperation and consideration for so many people. I grew up mostly doing puzzles by myself, but since they’ve been home, the girls have wanted to do them also. Adding a theme of interest to them certainly helps solidify whether they’ll want to help or not. As an example, I don’t think they put together ten pieces of the round puzzle from the 60’s that was a picture of sausages, olives, pate and crackers.
Maleficent, on the other hand, had them at the table more than me! Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration because I am constantly at the puzzle table when one is in progress. But you get my point. Puzzles have been an opportunity for us to work together as a family. Sometimes one on one, other times all four of us. Check out the video of “expert” mode.
Okay. Confession time. Scott wanted to make a video so we took our time disassembling it and the result is what you see above. You wouldn’t believe how long it took us to take it apart!
If you’re trying to order a puzzle during the quarantine, expect a little bit of a delay because puzzle companies are seriously backlogged with orders. It’s a happy problem to have because that means a lot of family bonding is happening. I encourage you to give their digital puzzles a try while you wait for your puzzles to arrive from Amazon or direct from Ravensburger. This might be a good reminder to grab a couple extras for the next day with inclement weather or heaven-forbid, the next time we’re all quarantined.
What was the image on the last puzzle you put together?
I don’t remember but it was a long time ago. Not into that kind of puzzles.
I love puzzles and my family love puzzles and these puzzles would be good for my family and for my friends.