Most or Least Party Game Overview

The other day we were looking to play a game with a larger group and really were struggling to find something that appealed to everyone. Sure, we could have fallen back on some of the classics or grabbed a new copy of Paraphrase or Blank Slate, but we couldn’t get everyone to agree! Both of the previously-mentioned games required abstract thinking and were a bit too challenging for the younger players. We began our search for a game to please everyone.
We decided to try out FunBro Games‘ first release, Most or Least. The 1/2-page rule sheet allowed us to get up and running quickly and the wide variety of cards and questions kept the conversations rolling. Inside the box are almost 300 Question cards, a small deck of Answer cards and a score sheet. Give a set of five Answer cards to each player and write their names on the score sheet. Shuffle the Question cards and place the deck face-down where everyone can reach them!
Most or Least is pretty simple to play. On your turn, draw a card from the deck and read the question out loud. The card reader then picks their answer to the question by selecting one of the Answer cards from their hand and lays it face-down in front of them. All other players then choose the answer they think the reader has chosen – not how they would answer it! They also take the matching Answer card and place it face-down in front of them.
At the same time, all players reveal their selections. Players who successfully matched the reader are awarded one point. In order for the reader to score, at least half of the other players must have matched their answer. If so, then the reader also receives a point. If only one player matched the reader’s answer, that player gets two points! Most or Least is played over 25 rounds and the person with the highest overall total wins!
While the rules state there is no advantage of going first (this is true), the rule of 25 rounds does make for uneven play. This is easily fixed by playing a number of rounds times the number of players. Most or Least is advertised for 4-8 players, so play either 21, 24 or 25 rounds instead so all players have the exact same number of turns as the reader. This minor rule change doesn’t impact the overall play, it just makes it fair for all participants.
You will find copies of Most or Least on Amazon for around $23. If you like answering tough (and sometimes embarrassing) questions or enjoy hearing others do the same, then Most or Least might just be the party game you’re looking for! Follow them on Facebook to find out more!
Here’s an example question from the game you can answer below!
What unique hobby would you be most interested in? UFO spotting? Collecting mystic items? Or exploring deserted places?
This game reminds me of the game Apples to Apples
I think if my group played it, they wouldn’t even care about the points or winners, they would just like to have fun! Now the grandkids, that’s a different story
This does sound like fun. OH! I would pick, exploring deserted places. I shared this game on Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest. Thank you for sharing!