Wear Retro. Eat Retro. Watch Retro.

I have discovered something that I hate to admit. I’m old. Maybe I don’t always act like it. Sometimes I don’t look like it. I’ve been told I don’t sound like it. But I have memories of fashion, food and TV shows from so long ago that they are coming back into style.
Miss M is kind of a free-spirit when it comes to attire. She wears whatever she feels like. Miss K, on the other hand, likes to set trends sometimes (like with Monster Coats) while blend in with her friends other times (flip, flip, Flipeez). I’m fine with that. What I wasn’t fine with was her request for suspenders. If you think they’re cool and trendy then you don’t remember them when they were around when I was young. The kids love them and Miss K’s classmates are wearing them. Despite my attempts to tell her how cool we looked in them (figuring that would sway her interest away from them), that didn’t work. She still wants some because her friends are wearing them. Ehhh. I tried. All kinds of retro things are in… I keep seeing blog posts about poke cakes. You know, a regular cake you poke with a wooden spoon then pour Jello over? Don’t even get me started on how “in” retro video games are!
Whether we agree on fashion or not, I’m really enjoying the kids interest in some of my old-time favorites. As a family, we’ve been watching anything super-hero we can. Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. weekly along with all the movies in the Marvel line. In order, too. During each movie as well as in the series, there are backstory references that required some explaining. We’re excited that the girls can now watch episodes of the same “The Incredible Hulk” that I grew watching!
There are actually quite a few classic TV shows available on Netflix. Miss K has discovered The Andy Griffith Show and often watches it with her dad. One of these days, I plan to introduce them to The Munsters and Leave It To Beaver. Maybe they’ll even fall in love with The Wonder Years.
I’m a huge fan of Star Trek: TNG (and beyond) but I bet the girls would get a kick out of The Original Series. They’re totally into science-fiction and watching Kirk, Spock and the crew will make more sense since they saw the reboot movie. Of course, we’re going to have to sit down and watch Dr. Who as a family because none of us have seen that yet!
Just the other day, Scott and I were talking about how many sitcoms are pushing the limits by including more words then just bleeping them out. That was never an issue with the classic shows. There are so many good, clean shows that not only are entertaining but also have some important life lessons. As I said last month when I talked about all the science and math shows on Netflix, I’m one of those moms who thinks it is okay to let the kids stream.
I’m excited to be able to offer one lucky SAHM Reviews reader an awesome Netflix prize: a 3-month subscription so you can stream these great shows in your home! Entry is easy.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What was your favorite classic TV show? Do you ever go back and watch old shows?
I remember those suspenders… I can’t believe what things come back in style!
I wish some of the shows would come back… I’ll have to settle for watching them on Netflix!
Oh my god! so awesome! ahaha! i love this old school awesomeness!
Hi Scott, I remember watching Save By The Bell on saturday mornings. Fun times then. I can remember when I was in elementary I looked forward to those Saturday cartoons. My wife and I sometimes find cartoons that we watched growing up and share them with our 3 yr old son. The shows has definitely changed. Nice article, it created some good nostalgia for me.
I absolutely LOVE netflix for myself and for the kids. I agree with the sitcoms pushing the envelope. . . my son watches Full House because nothing else is suitable. Even the Tween geared shows are a bit too much Information for a 12 year old!!
Oh my! this article doesn’t make me any younger! I love old sitcoms and old stuff, good memories!
Hi Nicole! Great post 🙂 Wow, takes me back lol Thanks for sharing 🙂
We love Netflix! We don’t watch tv, cable, or satellite. Just Netflix!
Saved by the Bell was one of my absolute favorites along with Blossom!!
I haven’t had time to go back. My daughter loves Netflix and uses/watches it all of the time. I have gotten my moneys worth.
I love Family Ties for some reason. Alex B Keaton. I miss that one.
Oh my goodness, we love Netflix… what a great giveaway. We love being able to watch old episodes of shows we love on Netflix.
Love the classics! I am not sure I would wear retro again though! LOL
I love that the “old Retro” shows are becoming popular again. We don’t have regular TV/Cable because we are so disappointed in what is passed for quality entertainment for kids these days. Like you said, far too many “words” that are included that would never have been included when we were younger.
We use netflix for our “tv”. And yes, my kids are very into the old shows I watched growing up. Some of our favorites are Classic Doctor Who and the newer Doctor Who series. Oh man, we are ALL crazy about Doctor Who! They also love Star Trek and the Andy Griffith show.
I really miss that netflix took The Cosby show off instant Streaming. We used to watch that one all the time too. miss it.
One of the things I love most about Netflix is the classics, I could watch them all day long!!!
The retro shows on Netflix are the best! I’m all about watching Care Bears with my preschooler lately.
I love saved by the bell! Can’t believe it’s considered an oldie though. Ah that makes me feel old!
I love that Netflix has some great retro shows. It’s one of the few nostalgic things that are “trendy” that I can actually get behind.
We love retro shows. Dr.Who is one of our favorites.
Awesome! Reminds me of the school days… Even I feel like seeing my mum-dad’s wedding albums now 😛
I do enjoy watching old reruns of Law and Order SVU, but that’s about it!
Oh my goodness Saved By the Bell! I have not seen that show in so long! I grew up watching it after school and on Saturday mornings. What a great memory.
Ah I totally grew up with Saved By The Bell and was so happy when my son decided he liked it too! Such a good feeling, I agree.. nowadays it’s hard to find quality shows that don’t push the limits!
I LOVE Saved by the Bell! In fact, I love all 80-90’s shows! My kids watch Punky and Full House on DVDs because I dont care for modern shows.
I can not believe that is considered retro. But they are still cute suspenders
Netflix is the way to go. I cut the cord about 6 months ago and never been happier. I’m glad I made that decision because I wasn’t really watching TV anyways.
Busting out the classics! That is so cool. Love your daughters outfit!
I watched Saved By the Bell as a kid/young teen and loved it! I even remember entering a contest for a chance to meet them by mailing in a postcard..haha
We do mostly retro shows as the shows these days are pushing the envelope for what we allow for our kids. My boys adore Gummy Bears, Tale Spin and Bonkers!
We have Netflix in our home and we love it. We can watch a series from the first season through the last. And you are right about the oldies but goodies. You can find them on Netflix.
I used to love the Wonder Years and Saved by the Bell! It’s so cool that you can watch a lot of the older shows on Netflix 🙂
I loved Saved by the Bell and Wonder Years. LOL! I think this is great of Netflix.
I loved Saved By the Bell too but I don’t remember suspenders being in nor do I know what a poke cake is. Maybe I’m a bit younger than you? Or maybe I just didn’t know what was “in.” LOL. I love Netflix though and we have been showing our kids some shows from when we were young too.
We actually have Save By the Bell…and reading this does make me feel old! It is great to sit back and look just how much things have changed since then!
I used to watch Saved by the bell all the time!! My favorite was watching Cory and Topangea on Boy Meets World, though!
I like way more of the ‘old’ shows that the new ones. And, yep, it amazes me how fashion trends get recycled.
We LOVE Netflix. Sadly they don’t have one of our fave oldies Skippy! Love Full House too
love watching shows i grew up with. its’ fun to rediscover with my own kids!
I was talking about language on TV the other day too. I heard something and thought when the heck did that start being passable? It’s so nice to watch the old stuff and know it’s clean(er).
Netflix is really good for TV series! 🙂
It’s funny, isn’t it, how old clothes styles become fashionable later on? I remember some styles that I hope stay buried, however. Striped Bell-bottoms comes to mind. For the record, I think those suspenders are cool. Thanks for sharing!
AWESOME! We are all about retro here (pretty much because I never really wanted to leave the 80’s anyway)!
Nicole, you don’t even know what Retro IS!!! LOL Although my youngest is only 14, I’m turning 61 in a week. I grew up in the 50s and 60s. Now THAT’s Retro! 🙂
I wrote a blog post one time called “Nostalgia”, where I described what it was like growing up back then in a small town in Ontario, Canada. My kids enjoyed reading about the things I grew up with that they will never have, simply because they haven’t come back into style yet. Or maybe they did come back, and went out again. :p
I enjoy reading about the 80s, because it takes me back to when my oldest four were little.
Saved by the Bell was a favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love 80’s shows and movies. I grew up in the 80’s so it brings back great memories! 🙂 It’s great to introduce kids to some of the shows we watched when we were kids, like Family Ties, The Brady Bunch and The Jetsons.
Saved by the Bell was a good show. I love finding shows on Netflix that I watched growing up.