Another Snow Day? Build a Roller Coaster!

For the fourth (or fifth) time this year, you could hear the collective groan of mothers across the area as the announcement went out that we would have ANOTHER snow day. Whether a mom works from home, has young children not of school age or a regular schedule of activities and errands, one thing is for certain… Snow Days really mess up the plans. Thankfully, my girls are at an age where they can entertain themselves. Well, more or less. Often, trying to get them to agree on something is the biggest challenge. Thank goodness we had a K’NEX Roller Coaster that was calling for the girls to assemble and play with! K’NEX Typhoon Frenzy Roller Coaster to be exact.
This isn’t their first K’NEX rodeo though. They’ve put together Yellow Submarine and Super Mario Brothers sets and work together really well on them. I’m okay with that because I need as much help as possible with time-management and snow days don’t help.The nice part is that they even left them set up to play with for a few days before realizing they needed their table back for other stuff.
They worked on it for two solid hours! That’s pretty awesome considering their usual capacity to interact (without arguing) when cooped up in the house is only about… let’s just say… NOT two hours.They had a little difficulty with a few pieces that they connected incorrectly that required dad and a pair of pliers to disconnect but other than that, they had fun.
When it was completely assembled, they decided to take it for a ride!
K'NEX Typhoon Frenzy Roller Coaster
If your kids enjoy K’NEX products, you can connect with K’NEX on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube. Never know when you’ll need a roller coaster for a snow day!
Anything that can keep a child entertained that long and it doesn’t have to do with a computer screen or tablet screen is a plus to me.
Whoa, what fun!! I’m sure they’re playing with this for hours on end!
My son loved these when he was younger. Glad the kids got to enjoy it on their snow day.
I’m sure my daughter would love this. Looks like lots of fun but, unleashes their creativity too.
My boys love this sort of thing, it’s great when siblings play together 🙂
I remember loving stuff like this when my kids were younger! Another fun thing they would do is dismantle all the great room furniture and make the cushions into a huge fort…building stuff would keep them occupied for hours! I think we’re looking at a snow day tomorrow. Sadly, these days, it’ll be electronics that keep them occupied. (teenagers). My youngest though has set up a snowboard jump in the backyard though…he’ll be out there for part of the day I am sure. Visiting from #sitsblogging.
Oh that is an awesome roller coaster! My boys could sure use that as we are stuck indoors with more snow too! And no school on Friday for teacher in service.
I love K’Nex sets. I haven’t looked at them in ages as my youngest is now 19 and he doesn’t think they are cool anymore. I am going to keep this one in mind, though. Stopping by from the SITS Girls comment love.
that is so awesome, my boys would love this. So educational!
How funny! My kids finished building their knex roller coaster last snow day! Now we’ve been free building with the Knex pieces. They’re even more fun when you don’t have to follow the directions and let the kids go nuts! Really fun sets! Love seeing other moms and kids do stuff like this on snow days!
My son is 4.5 and isn’t old enough for K’Nex yet, but I know he’ll love sets like these when he gets a little older. He loves to follow the “map” (aka the directions) to build things with his Tinker Toys.
We’re gearing up for a pretty big snow storm here in New England. I’m not sure what I’ll do yet to keep him entertained!
What a fun project, My kids would absolutely love this!
That’s a great way to help spark some creativity. My son is too little for this still, but I can see it in the near future.
This looks like so much fun!
Stopping by from the SITS Girls 🙂
This looks super cool! I actually love snow days because it’s a break in the hectic morning routine…but I bet I would love it more if they were occupied with something like this! I’ll have to take a look to find it! 🙂 (s
I need to get some of these for my nephew! I think he would love them! He loves legos, so I’m sure he’d love these – the whole “building something”!
What a cool idea! I never played with K’nex (growing up these were “boy” toys) but think this is something that I need to look into for my daughter.
I have bought this roller coaster set as gifts before, but we don’t have it. Building with K’Nex and Legos are great ways to spend a snow day.
I’m stopping by from the SITS Group. So happy I found your site.
K’nex has some awesome building sets but this is the coolest I have seen, my kids would have a great time building this one. Wish I had this when I was a kid.
How cool! My kids would LOVE this! BTW, your daughter in the first pic is adorable with her “thumbs up”!
OMG! This looks awesome. My kids would probably need help to assemble it since their still young but they would have a blast playing with it.
Now that looks like a fun toy to put together! Looks like they had lots of fun!
Now that looks like fun! That little cart really zips down the track too!
This is so cool! My boys would love to build something like this here in the house. It would be a great way to spend time together.
That Roller Coaster looks like a lot of fun!
I have always had trouble buying presents for children, perhaps be cause I’ve never had any, but this looks great! It reminds me of the old Mecchano sets.
Thanks for the suggestion
They sound happy in the video. 🙂 K’Nex is not for sissies. We’re putting together a set right now and it’s challenging (we like challenging). Love the motor on this one that makes the cars go!